Dei'ah veDibur - Information & Insight

A Window into the Charedi World

13 Tammuz 5761 - July 4, 2001 | Mordecai Plaut, director Published Weekly








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Shema Yisrael Torah Network


Cease-Fire Under Fire
by M. Plaut and Yated Ne'eman Staff

All of the interested parties in the Middle East seem to be positioning themselves for events following a breakdown in the cease-fire between Israel and the Palestinian Authority (PA).

UTJ Will Protest Peres' Shabbos Desecration
by Aryeh Zisman

The UTJ party in the Knesset has asked for an urgent meeting with Prime Minister Sharon to protest the disgraceful Shabbos desecration which took place at the official meeting between Peres and Arafat last Friday night in Portugal.

Shemen Oil Factory: No Chillul Shabbos
by Y. Ariel

After a serious investigation, the Rabbinical Committee for the Sake of the Sanctity of Shabbos in Eretz Yisroel (Vaada Lemaan Kedushas HaShabbos), the major watchdog organization of Shabbos in Eretz Yisroel, announced that "it is clear to us beyond all doubt that the factory has not violated Shabbos in any way in the past and the place shows no signs of any intent chas vesholom to violate Shabbos Rachmono litzlan."

Nine HCJ Judges Tour the Kosel
By Betzalel Kahn

Nine High Court of Justice (HCJ) judges toured the area in front of the Kosel last week in order to see for themselves the situation on the ground with regard to the possibilities of the "Women of the Wall" praying in the vicinity of the Kosel.

Protests at Cemetery in Tiveria
by Y. Ariel

Scores of demonstrators arrived Monday (11 Tammuz) at the site of the old cemetery in Tiveria, in order to protest the intentions to dig there. The excavations were supposed to be conducted by the Antiquities Authority on behalf of the Church of Scotland but they were postponed at least for now.

Zimbabwe Jewry Keep The Wheels Turning -- For Now
by D. Saks

Despite its steadily diminishing numbers and the unstable political and economic environment, the small Jewish community of Zimbabwe continues to function. There are just over 750 Jews left in Zimbabwe, a landlocked African republic on South Africa's northern border.

Germany to Reconsider 'Who's a Jew'
by Yated Ne'eman Staff

The Federal Republic of Germany will soon decide, in the wake of pressure from the leaders of Germany's Jews, who is not a Jew and therefore ineligible for the status of permanent resident.

Rabbi Yitzchok Boruch Weinberg Joins Jerusalem City Council
by Betzalel Kahn

Fri. 8 Tammuz p.4

A pre-election rotation agreement between Degel HaTorah and Agudas Yisroel was implemented on 8 Tammuz at a meeting of the Jerusalem City Council when Rabbi Weinberg, new council member on behalf of UTJ, took office.

Israel's Tourist Industry: On Brink of Collapse
by Betzalel Kahn

Buckets of ink have been spilled while describing the sad state of the Israeli economy since the recent outbreak of violence. All areas of life have been affected. Foreign investors have bolted, as projects and plans are frozen, though it seems that trouble in world financial markets and cyclical forces are the strongest influences here. No branch of the economy has made any headway since the outbreak of riots.

Summer Life in the Torah Community of Lakewood
by Moshe Rockove

The Chofetz Chaim once remarked that the map of the world in Shomayim looks a lot different from the one we conventionally look at on this world. The map down here shows cities such as Paris, London and Warsaw with big dots to indicate their large population. Other cities not as big as these cities are also marked with dots, though not as big as the Paris dot. Radin, by contrast, is denoted with a tiny dot for it is a little hamlet when compared to the more populous cities of the world.

Where There is a (Living) Will . . .
by Yated Ne'eman Staff

Editor's Note: The following is a story about the Halachic Living Will developed by Agudath Israel of America for people living in the United States. Because of the sensitivity and importance of the issue, it is worthwhile to investigate the issue as it applies to other communities as well. Yated would be happy to update our readers on the results of such research.

Women's Summer Seminar Offers Chizuk For Difficult Times
By Yonina Hall

"HaKodosh Boruch Hu is Calling Us. How Do We Respond?" is the intriguing title of a 2-day summer seminar for women to be presented by Jewel-Aish HaTorah Women's Organization/EYAHT on July 10 and 11 in Jerusalem.

HaRav Gershon Cahen zt"l
by Yated Ne'eman Staff

On Shabbos Kodesh parshas Chukas, HaRav Gershon Cahen, zt"l, director of the Chachmei Tsorfat institutions in Aix-les-Bains and a mainstay of the Torah world in France was niftar after a difficult illness. He was 68 at the time of his petirah.

HaRav Yitzchok Shimon Shapira zt"l
by Betzalel Kahn

Shocked and pained, a large group of Jerusalem's residents, headed by gedolei HaTorah, admorim and rabbonim, followed the bier of HaRav Yitzchok Shimon Shapira, one of the venerable mechanchim in the Eitz Chaim Talmud Torah, who was niftar unexpectedly on Thursday night, 9 Tammuz. He was 68 at the time of his petirah.

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