Dei'ah veDibur - Information & Insight

A Window into the Charedi World

17 Cheshvan 5760 - October 27, 1999 | Mordecai Plaut, director Published Weekly








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Emanuel Prepares for Elections

by Yehuda Ariel

Preparations for local elections in the city of Emanuel are at their height. Residents of the city feel these elections, on the upcoming 23rd of Cheshvan, are more critical than ever, and will determine whether the city will flourish from a spiritual and material standpoint or, chas vesholom, fall apart.

Support is building for the Lev slate, which includes the Chanichei Hayeshivos and Gra kehillos, as well as the Slonim and additional Chassidic groups. The Lev slate is running for the council only, and is headed by Rabbi Abir Har- Even, a representative of the bnei Torah community who is also a rosh kollel in Emanuel. Rabbi Har-Even was formerly the chief scientist of the Kitan Dimona enterprise.

Second on the slate is Rabbi Yitzchok Weinberg, director of the Rechovot kashrus network of Rav Avrohom Rubin. List supporters are certain that these two candidates will serve them honorably.

Other slates are also running for the council. It was decided that it is healthiest to field a number of groups rather than to try to unite in one large party. This will serve to ensure that every individual social group finds full expression for its needs.

All of the slates have united for the election of Reb Yissochor Frankental as head of the local council.

Communal leaders note that the Emanuel campaign serve as an model of an election without disputes, and of outstanding cooperation among all sectors of the populace.

Broad groups from all circles of the city feel that the prospects of effecting an improvement in the city's situation depend upon the election of Rabbi Yissochor Frankental. As a result, they are doing their utmost to help him win and to influence the residents of Emanuel to vote.

Every evening, residents of the city, among them talmidei chachomim, communal leaders and laymen, arrive at election headquarters, and offer their help. Former residents of Emanuel still eligible to vote there are urged to utilize their rights to vote. Their vote will contribute to the success of the campaign.

Emanuel's activists ask all those who can organize car pools or other vital activities to call the election headquarters at 09-7922325.

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