& Comment
What the Economic Decrees are Really Supposed to
by Rabbi N. Z. Grossman
Part I
A Grim Outlook
The campaign against the harsh measures that the Treasury is
seeking to impose on the chareidi world in general and the
Torah public in particular is underway. To date, it has
managed to make the community aware of the need to engage in
a broad and comprehensive public struggle to achieve the
rescinding of the malicious plans that aim to strike the
Torah public a fatal blow.
Under the direction of our leaders, we have already published
a number of articles that spell out the severity of the
situation from the economic point of view. Several further
points also ought to be made however, to show that these are
no mere economic measures as other groups that are being
harmed are treating them. They amount to nothing less than
persecution of religion. They are intended to mortally wound
Torah Jewry and to visit starvation upon large families.
In brief, the public at large will be absorbing a
comprehensive cut in all government allocations of roughly
ten percent. On top of this, the chareidi community will be
absorbing a special package of additional measures that will
harm every possible area.
Kollelim will be forced either to close down chas
vesholom, or to reduce the stipends paid to
avreichim. The tuition payments made to yeshivos will
no longer suffice, in view of the savage reductions that are
to be made to their allocations. Large families will be left
helpless in the face of cuts of thousands of shekels each
month in their budgets. And the list goes on and on.
For a community whose means are limited to begin with, which
lacks financial cushioning to fall back on and help absorb
the impact, these measures spell deprivation of essentials,
such as bread and clothing. This is not even to mention the
inability to meet mortgage payments (that could result in the
banks' repossession of homes, chas vesholom) and
repayments to gemachim, which will be in the difficult
position of being unable to satisfy demands and maintain
There Is an Alternative
The official response to this grim prognosis is a self-
righteous, "We don't mean to harm you. There simply isn't
money. Cuts have to be made and everyone must accept their
This argument is fallacious, for a few well-known reasons.
First, no other sector of the population will suffer in such
a pointed and grievous way. Any mediocre economist who
compares the budget of the average chareidi family after the
economic measures with that of a family in the general
population, can see that the damage to the former is deep and
severe. It amounts to an attempt at elimination, in a very
elliptic manner.
In discussions with senior Treasury officials, chareidi
activists pointed out the following astounding piece of
information. The very same saving that would be made by
cutting the family allowances, could be made by a
comprehensive and equal cut amounting to no more than several
percent across the board in all the various National
Insurance payments and stipends. Clearly, such a cut would be
felt much less by everyone. Someone receiving a stipend of
say, a thousand shekels, would only be seventy shekels the
worse off.
What is the justification then, for making such savage cuts
to family allowances -- up to eighty percent -- with several
tens of thousands of families bearing the brunt of the entire
reduction, instead of cutting all allocations by a few
The answer is obvious: these measures are not dictated by
purely economic criteria. They are part and parcel of the
government's objectives from the outset -- to strike at large
families, in the knowledge that this will affect the chareidi
community in particular.
Concern for Whom?
Another piece of evidence revealing the deliberate scheming
behind the program is a section entitled, "Drawing Avreichim
into the Workforce." In recent years, this highly provocative
slogan has been touted periodically by antagonistic
irreligious elements who are oblivious to Torah's worth and
its crucial role in preserving Klal Yisroel. The very
inclusion of such an issue in an economic program is ample
testimony to the latter's ideological underpinnings. It is an
attempt to impose new values and to forcibly reeducate the
chareidi community -- to wage a Kulturkampf through
the uneven distribution of public funds. All they want is "to
lessen the numbers of Torah scholars," as the gedolei
Yisroel put it in their letter.
Even by their lights, the absurdity of their claims is
transparent. Forcing avreichim out of kollel
and leaving them penniless will do neither the workforce
nor the economy any good. Several recent news items have
shown that unemployment is still on the rise. To talk of
"placement in the work market" at such a time is bitterly
There are approximately three hundred thousand workers
presently searching for regular employment and there seems to
be no solution for them in the offing. Factories are closing
down and businesses are collapsing. In virtually every
workplace, cuts and reductions are being made and workers are
being laid off, swelling the ranks of the unemployed even
further. If the economic plan is implemented, additional
thousands of public employees and teaching personnel will be
added to their numbers. It is not the workforce that
avreichim would be joining but the unemployed.
Let it be quite clear -- even if there were plenty of
attractive work prospects beckoning to avreichim, we
would not waver in our opposition to thinning the ranks of
the handful who are sitting and learning. At present, Klal
Yisroel doesn't need workers but men who toil in Torah,
who provide the spiritual oxygen for the population at large.
But even from their viewpoint, Treasury officials ought not
to try to hoodwink us into believing that they are concerned
for the livelihood of the avreichim. That is
absolutely false. They want to harm the chareidi community,
that is already living frugally anyway, reducing tens of
thousands of families to impossible straits.
In maseches Sanhedrin (74), Chazal distinguish between
an arbitrary decree and one whose purpose is to force a Jew
to abandon his religion. If a gentile compels a Jew to mow
grass on Shabbos for the gentile's animal to eat, he has his
own benefit in mind. If however, he tells the Jew, "Mow the
grass and throw it into the river!" it is clear that his sole
intention is to force the Jew to violate the Torah, for he
has no benefit whatsoever from the Jew's work.
Our situation is similar. The motives behind the measures are
obviously not economic -- the measures are specifically aimed
at the Orthodox sector, with the intention of having entire
families join the unemployed. These are anti-religious
decrees, not economic measures!
Reminding Ourselves
This is therefore a suitable juncture for repeating some well
known axioms that are ignored and forgotten to the extent
that their truth is obvious and widely acknowledged (to
paraphrase the introduction to Mesillas Yeshorim).
The true purpose of all the talk of economics and belt
tightening with which members of the Shinui party and
Treasury officials have introduced the new measures, is to
dull our own awareness of the distinction of those who have
been singled out for Hashem's service. Past experience has
shown that whenever loud and vocal public campaigns are
mounted against us, it is highly likely that those waging
them will also try to influence our camp by instilling
feelings of inferiority and raising doubts in our minds about
fundamentals. We therefore ought to strengthen our own
awareness of the fact that in taking measures to harm Torah
scholars, they are declaring war on those who support the
world and are cutting the branch upon which it rests.
HaRav Chaim of Volozhin states clearly (Nefesh HaChaim,
sha'ar 4, perek 11), that were the world to be entirely
without our Torah study or reflection for a moment, the
entire universe, both physical and spiritual, would cease to
exist. To this he adds (in perek 25) that, although
those who choose to neglect Torah are doomed to be driven
from Hashem's proximity and that they thereby reduce the
holiness and illumination of all the worlds, they are
nevertheless able to continue their existence as long as
there are Yidden who cleave to Torah day and night.
The Nefesh HaChaim also mentions (perek 22) Chazal's
statement that, "Any misfortune that comes to the world is
because of ignoramuses." They, he explains, are thus
responsible for anything untoward that happens.
Torah Chinuch is the Only Guarantee
The Steipler zt'l, too, echoes these principles,
citing the gemora in Pesochim (68) which
derives them from a posuk and in Sanhedrin
(99), which states that anyone who does not believe this
and asks, "What good do the chachomim do us?" is a
heretic and a false interpreter of Torah (Chayei Olom II,
perek 1).
Further on (perek 31), the Kehillas Yaakov explains
why the existence of yeshivos is so vitally important in our
times. He writes that in past generations, people who did not
devote their youth to Torah study but instead went out to
earn a living, while they were not exempt from the obligation
to learn Torah they nevertheless retained their belief in the
fundamentals of our religion and upheld their Torah
observance. This was "because their environment -- [which was
steeped in faith and in Torah observance (perek 12)] --
taught them and they were trained like all worthy Jews.
"Certainly nowadays, when heretics and lawless folk have
reared their heads, publicly conducting themselves like
gentiles in every way, our children only see evil outside,
day in and day out. Moreover, they try to ensnare and
entangle them in every possible way and to take them off the
right path, R'l. If parents are not conscientious
about giving their children a chareidi education, embracing
Torah and fear of Heaven through the years of their childhood
and youth, it is almost certain that they will break with our
holy Torah entirely chas vesholom and join those who
hate us, R'l.
"Therefore, in our lowly and forsaken generation,
Yiddishkeit and faith are entirely dependent upon
learning Torah in depth and with application and upon raising
children in a holy manner. There is no need to expand upon
this, for these things are well known to the wholeheartedly
faithful among Klal Yisroel."
Next week: Insights and perspectives from the Steipler and
HaRav Shach
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