Dei'ah veDibur - Information & Insight

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29 Nissan 5762 - April 11, 2002 | Mordecai Plaut, director Published Weekly









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Beis HaMedrash Elyon Appoints a Menahel
by Yated Ne'eman Staff

Beis HaMedrash Elyon of Golders Green has appointed its first menahel, Rabbi Hershel Leibovics. Beis HaMedrash Elyon opened last Elul zman under the presidency of HaRav Yosef Zvi HaLevi Dunner as a mechina offering a wide ranging limudei kodesh program combined with five GCSE courses. In addition to in depth gemora learning, the boys also study Chumash and Nach with meforshim, Mishnayos, halochoh, yedios kelollis and Classical Hebrew. For GCSE, the boys study English, Maths, Information Technology and Geography in addition to Classical Hebrew. All subjects are taught within a Torah framework. P.E. lessons and educational outings complete the mechina's varied program.

Rabbi Leibovics was born in the United States of America and received his education in American and European yeshivos. He is married to the granddaughter of HaRav Weisz of Zurich's Israelitische Religion Gesellschaft. In London, Rabbi Leibovics studied in the Schlesinger, Rabinow and Hager's kollelim. He has played a significant role in North London chinuch during the past seven years, as menahel of one mosad, as member of the Vaad Hachinuch of several other mosdos and as chairman of the Union of Orthodox Hebrew Congregations' "Chinuch Line." He is part of a worldwide network of mechanchim who keep in touch and consult one another to improve methods of being mechaneich the children of our generation.

He is recognized for understanding how this generation's needs differ from previous generations because of the different world we live in. He is recognized as a warm, understanding mechaneich, alert to individual pupils' needs.

Beis HaMedrash Elyon's founding rebbeim are Rabbi M. S. Rottenberg and Rabbi E. Eagle, both recognized figures in London chinuch bonim.

Beis HaMedrash Elyon's limudei chol department is guided by Rabbi M. Lebrecht, a well known senior and distinguished educator whose work spans both kodesh and chol subjects. Information Technology is taught by Dr. A. Rabbinowitz, an authority in the field, and Classical or Biblical Hebrew is taught by Rabbi M. Kramar, an experienced and recognized educator.

Chairman of Beis Medrash Elyon is Rabbi Akiva Adler.


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