Dei'ah veDibur - Information & Insight

A Window into the Chareidi World

27 Kislev 5762 - December 12, 2001 | Mordecai Plaut, director Published Weekly









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Rabbonim Can't Be Sued For Revealing Congregant's Confidences
by B. Isaac

In a unanimous decision, the highest court in New York State has ruled that two Lawrence/Far Rockaway rabbonim cannot be held legally liable for having, as a matter of religious conscience, disclosed information given them in confidence.

The Court of Appeals dismissed a lawsuit brought against the rabbonim by a congregant involved in a marital dispute who disclosed confidential information to them. Each rov determined that halacha obligated him to inform her husband, as well as the court considering issues involving custody of the couple's children.

The woman then filed suit against the rabbonim, alleging that they had violated their duty to keep silent under the New York State's "clergy-penitent privilege."

The rabbonim countered that the "clergy-penitent privilege" was enacted only to protect members of the clergy from being forced to reveal, in court, confidential information relayed to them by their congregants, and does not grant individuals the right to sue members of the clergy. They further argued that they had been religiously required to make their disclosures, and that their actions were thus protected as a matter of freedom of religion.

The rabbis' attorneys, supported by a "friend of the court" brief written by noted Washington attorney Nathan Lewin and submitted by the National Jewish Commission of Law and Public Affairs (COLPA) on behalf of several Orthodox Jewish organizations including Agudath Israel of America, had argued that the rabbis considered themselves obligated by Jewish religious law to disclose the information, and that secular courts are prevented by the U.S. Constitution from involvement in matters of religious law.

The case proceeded all the way to the Court of Appeals, New York's highest court.

The Court of Appeals, in its ruling, agreed: "The prospect of conducting a trial to determine whether a cleric's disclosure is in accord with religious tenets has troubling constitutional implications."

Citing past precedents, the court ruled that "civil courts are forbidden from interfering in or determining religious disputes," and concluded as a matter of law that the "clergy- penitent privilege" does not provide a legal basis for suing members of the clergy for violating their confidences.

Agudath Israel attorneys Chaim Dovid Zwiebel and Mordechai Biser, who were "of counsel" to the COLPA brief, praised the Court of Appeals ruling as "a landmark victory for the cause of religious liberty."


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