Dei'ah veDibur - Information & Insight

A Window into the Charedi World

13 Ellul 5762 - August 21, 2002 | Mordecai Plaut, director Published Weekly









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Shema Yisrael Torah Network
Shema Yisrael Torah Network


Jewish Sites in Prague Damaged Following Heavy Flooding in Europe
by S. Fried

Several ancient Jewish sites in Prague, including the Alt-Neu Synagogue, the Pinchas Synagogue and the Jewish Museum, suffered an estimated $4 million in damage following floods that inundated parts of Europe last week. A plane from Israel arrived in the Czech Republic on Sunday with detergent materials for the restoration of Jewish sites that have been flooded with sewage water.

Official Document Confirms Joint Conversion Institutes Operate Under Chief Rabbinate Auspices
by Betzalel Kahn

The Vaad HaRabbonim LeInyonei Giyur, founded by the late HaRav Chaim Kreiswirth, has been issuing warnings for years against hundreds of fictitious conversions that receive official certification by the Chief Rabbinate of Israel.

Gov't Budget Cuts Mean Future of Dozens of Chinuch Atzmai Schools Endangered; Help Comes to School in Cholon
by Moshe Schapiro

When Rabbi Yitzchok Silberstein, a son-in-law of HaRav Eliashiv who serves as rosh kollel of Beis David in Cholon, recently heard that Israeli government budget cuts would mean that the local Chinuch Atzmai school with which it shares a facility would be forced to close down this fall, he was shaken.

The Lev Malka Camp: A Therapy To Detraumatize Child Victims Of Terror
by Yated Ne'eman Staff

Over a hundred-and-fifty youngsters and teenagers, all victims in different ways of Arab terror, took part in a unique two-week camp in the holiday village of Yamin Ord at the foot of Mount Carmel, organized by the welfare organization, Lev Malka.

Year-old Jerusalem Bais Yaakov High School Develops Individual And Group Potential
By Yonina Hall

Ninth-grade registration is now underway at a year-old Jerusalem high school for girls that combines Bais Yaakov learning with a warm, personalized environment.

Yad Sara Receives Electronic Beds
by B. Kahn

This year, Yad Sara received a shipment of 60 electronic hospital-type beds. These beds were donated by the Jewish community of France. Those interested in borrowing such beds can apply to any one of Yad Sara's ninety-two branches throughout the country.

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