Dei'ah veDibur - Information & Insight

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8 Teves 5761 - January 3, 2001 | Mordecai Plaut, director Published Weekly








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Cereal Information from the Guide to Chodosh, USA
by Mordecai Plaut

According to the latest update from the Guide (December 31), General Mills Cereals sold in Israel, Europe and elsewhere are made in the USA. Sometimes they are packed in Europe, but they are still produced in the U.S. and sent in bulk shipments to Europe. Therefore, the Chodosh cutoff dates given in the Guide for General Mills cereals are good for Israel and Europe as well.

The dating code for sale in the USA is an open date, as given in the Guide. Overseas, a different code is often used. For example, the Chodosh packing date for oats such as Cheerios is November 6. Before that date no Chodosh oats were packed, but cereals packed after that date may be Chodosh. The packing date code for that date is E006 (E=November in alphabetic order, where A=June, B=July, 0=year, 06=day of the month).

According to the Guide, for General Mills (OU certified) Honey Nut Cheerios, the first four digits of the packing code must be C025 or lower. For other Cheerios products (that all contain oats), the code must be E006 or lower.

General Mills wheat germ may be from spring wheat. The probable Chodosh packing date for wheat germ is August 25. In some cases the code may refer to the packing date, and in others the code is an expiration code that refers to the last date of sale.

The expiration code for regular Cheerios, Apple Cinnamon Cheerios, Frosted Cheerios, Clusters, Kix, Trix, Team and Toast Crunch is 248 days after packing. For the oats in the ingredients, 248 days after November 6 gives a code of July 12, 2001 (B112). For wheat germ, 248 days after August 25 is April 30, 2001 (K130). Capt'n Crunch, Lucky Charm, Raisin Nut Bran, Total, the expiration code is 279 days after packing. From November 6, 279 days is August 12, 2001 (C112). From August 25, 279 days is May 31, 2001 (L131).

Honey Nut and MultiGrain Cheerios, Oat Meal Raisin Crisp, Crispy Wheat and Raisins, Cinnamon Toast Crunch, Triple, Oatmeal Crisp with Apple Almond and Raisins, Cocoa Puffs all have a code 310 days after packing. For November 6, 310 days is September 12, 2001 (D112). For August 25, the code is July 1 01 (B101). Golden Grahams, Millenios, Wheat Chex and Corn Chex have a code 372 days after packing. November 6 has the code November 13, 2001 (E113). For August 25, the code is September 1, 01 (D101).

The wheat used in Total cereals is winter wheat. However, the list of ingredients may include other items that have the potential of being Chodosh. The code for Total is 279 after packing. For example, if the ingredients list wheat germ use a probable Chodosh code of May 31, 2001 (L131), and if it lists oats, use August 12, 2001 (C112).


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