Dei'ah veDibur - Information & Insight

A Window into the Chareidi World

26 Adar 5761 - March 21, 2001 | Mordecai Plaut, director Published Weekly








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HaRav Yitzchok Shlomo Zilberman, zt"l
by Betzalel Kahn and M. Plaut

A bereaved crowd of thousands, composed of and headed by gedolei haTorah, roshei yeshiva, rabbonim, dayonim and thousands of students, accompanied HaRav Yitzchok Shlomo Zilberman zt"l,, the rosh yeshiva of Yeshivas Aderes Eliyahu on his last earthly journey. The seventy-two year old HaRav Yitzchok Shlomo was niftar after a brief illness.

HaRav Yitzchok Shlomo Zilberman was born in Berlin on 21 Nisan, 5688 (1928). His father was the tzaddik, HaRav Avrohom Moshe, well-known as the English translator of Rashi's commentary on the Chumash. His mother, Rivka, daughter of Gavriel Yosef Levi, was niftar when HaRav Yitzchok Shlomo was only three years old.

Later, due to pressure from the Nazi fiends, HaRav Avrohom Moshe moved with his children from Germany to England. However when Yitzchok Shlomo, was only eleven, at the beginning of the War, his father was niftar. During the war years, the eleven-year-old orphan wandered from place to place, until he reached Eretz Yisroel having left on the last boat that sailed from England before the War.

Arriving there alone, he was taken in by his uncle, Rabbi Dr. Yaakov Levi, z"l, who raised him during those poverty-stricken times.

HaRav Yechiel Michel Schlesinger founded Kol Torah for students of German origin during that time, and young Yitzchok Shlomo studied there. HaRav Schlesinger took special care of the young orphan, bringing him in to the world of Torah. He was so outstanding that the Rosh Yeshiva would often say that it was worth the effort to establish the yeshiva even if Yitzchok Shlomo were its only student.

He later studied in the Mirrer yeshiva, under HaRav Eliezer Yehuda Finkel. HaRav Finkel once told someone inquiring about Yitzchok Shlomo: "Here's a bochur who knows all Noshim and Nezikin." Once when they met HaRav Schlesinger told R' Leizer Yudel that he had sent him a diamond.

He pored over his studies with tremendous diligence. He would later longingly recall the first winter in the Mirrer yeshiva, where he heard shiurim from HaRav Ephraim Bordiansky, zt"l, and completed all of Yevomos in one zman.

During that period, he married the eishes chayil Rebbetzin Yaffa Sheindel o"h, daughter of HaRav Yom Tov Zlotnik. Together, they established their illustrious home, living with a lack of gashmiyus in a small, two- room apartment in Jerusalem's Shaarei Chessed neighborhood where they raised their many children.

Throughout that time, HaRav Zilberman rose in avodas Hashem. He would approach Jerusalem's sages, seeking to learn the correct way to truly serve Hashem. His life was a saga of clarifying all manifestations of avodas Hashem in order to find the one best suited to him.

His close friend, HaRav Shmuel Dvir, zt"l, joined him in his efforts to find the best approach to avodas Hashem. They followed the path of the students of the Gra, founders of the Jewish yishuv in Eretz Hakodesh. They were also close with HaRav Chaim Friedlander, zt"l, who opened up the works of the Ramchal to the Torah world with his editions.

HaRav Zilberman did not want to derive any material benefit from the crown of Torah, and he earned his livelihood as a sofer stam. Torah study was his main occupation, however; earning a livelihood was clearly secondary. Nonetheless, he made great efforts to ensure that his sacred work as a scribe be superior, as suits such labor. As a result, all the gedolei Yisroel endorsed and relied upon his safrus, including the Gaon of Tchebin and HaRav Shlomo Zalman Auerbach, zt"l.

When his children reached talmud Torah age, he made great efforts to establish a talmud Torah where they would learn Chumash in the correct way. From these attempts, three chadorim resulted, culminating in the Talmud Torah in the Old City.

Throughout his life, HaRav Zilberman strove to clarify the foundations of emunoh. He rallied to the aid of the teshuva movement at its very beginnings. Knowing how to answer questions and clarify misgivings of ba'alei teshuva, he helped many on their new path in life.

About ten years he moved to the Jewish Quarter of the Old City of Yerushalayim, bringing along his family and scores of other chareidi families with him, and establishing the Jewish Quarter as the residence of faithful Jews. He founded a yeshiva ketana and yeshiva gedola in the Jewish quarter, Aderes Eliyahu, in addition to the world- famous cheder.

A few weeks ago, he developed an illness from which he never recovered. Knowing that his end was near, he accepted his lot serenely and with utmost faith. Prior to his petirah, he enjoined his sons to continue to pursue Hashem's path. On Tuesday (18 Adar), while his sons were davening shacharis kevosikin in his room, he returned his soul to his Maker. All of his children were present at the time.

At the levaya, which left from the Shamgar funeral home in Jerusalem, a heartfelt hesped was delivered by his childhood friend, HaRav Shmuel Auerbach, the rosh yeshiva of Maalos HaTorah. In a tear-choked voice, HaRav Auerbach dwelt on the niftar's desire for truth that had burned within him since childhood, and on his yearning to be only involved in avodas Hashem.

A hesped was delivered by HaRav Nosson Tzvi Finkel, who related that HaRav Eliezer Yehuda Finkel had told HaRav Yechiel Michel Schlesinger, "The student you sent me is chochom lev." HaRav Nosson Tzvi spoke at length about the niftar's remarkable yearning for chochmoh.

Next to speak was the niftar's mechuton, HaRav Simcha HaKohen Kook, who bitterly wept over the immense loss, crying out: Torah, Torah chigri sak, Yerushalayim titein koloh. Tinikos shel beis rabbon, bechu es ho'aveido." He then asked the sons of the niftar to continue with the sacred work of the talmud Torah.

HaRav Moshe Yehuda Schlesinger, the rosh yeshiva of Kol Torah, stressed the niftar's greatness in da'as and in lev as well as the precision and refinement of all his deeds. He stressed that niftar's greatness was evident even when he was young. He said that he was a great man in deed and thought, whose clear goals were Torah and avodas Hashem. His greatness expressed itself in that he was careful about everything that he did, big or small. Recalling his years in Kol Torah, the rosh yeshiva said that in those days he excelled in his dedication, his clarity and his bein odom lechavero, qualities that remained with him throughout his life.

The rav of the Jewish Quarter, HaRav Avigdor Nebenzahl, said that today there is no Beis Hamikdash but there is a mizbeiach in Heaven and the angel Michoel offers upon it the souls of the tzaddikim. The niftar is certainly part of the sacrifice that the angel Michoel offers as an atonement for us and if we yearn to follow in the niftar's ways then it will atone for us. He then related that he had spoken extensively with HaRav Zilberman on all aspects of Torah, stressing that the niftar added kedusha to the Rova, increasing the glory of Torah. He truly picked up the cloak of Eliyahu.

The niftar's son, HaRav Eliyahu, the rosh yeshiva of Aderes Eliyahu said that we have been orphans for several weeks, when he was sick, but now there is no father. The gemora in Chagigah says, "Vetzaddik be'emunoso yichye." Whoever saw Father in the ups and downs of his life and especially the last weeks saw the meaning of this posuk. When he was very sick he took a sefer and said that he wanted to learn to that he could literally fulfill the posuk, Odom ki yomus bo'ohel.

He said that he felt that Hashem is holding his hand. Even when they lived in intense poverty he had bitochon that things would work out and they saw incredible mofsim. He was an ish emes, and constantly worked and delved to find the truth.

He always sought to make people happy, and he had a genuine concern for everyone.

HaRav Yom Tov his oldest son said the posuk Ovi, Ovi rechev Yisroel uporoshov. He was a father twice: in gashmiyus and in ruchniyus. He toiled and worked for each child and each grandchild. He spent his life working to fulfill the posuk, Vehoda'atem levonecho velivnei vonecho yom asher omadeto lifnei Hashem Elokecho beChorev. As in everything else, he would think about it over and over, and constantly try to find new and better ways to fulfill it.

Rechev Yisroel -- he was not only concerned for his private interests but for Klal Yisroel. And all of Klal Yisroel benefits from the fruits of his efforts. He also stood ready to defend and answer for the Torah when questions were raised about it.

Rav Yom Tov said that when he was five years old (and it was time for him to start cheder) and his father had to fulfill in practice the obligation to tell his son, he founded the Kaminetz Talmud Torah. Later, when his brother Nochum was five years old, he was not satisfied with the existing institutions and founded Hadar Tzion.

At that time he was like a war horse (porash) and he ran to do what he thought was necessary.

He went to live in Yerushalayim Ir Hakodesh and founded a community of talmidei chachomim who are ovdei Hashem and chased away all the reshoim who used to live there simply by being there.

Rav Sa'adia Gaon says that bitochon is the test of emunoh. His bitochon was incredible.

HaRav Zilberman's loyal talmid, HaRav Uri Zohar also spoke. He said that HaRav Zilberman was like a father to whom he submitted 25 years ago. After only a few minutes in his presence, I already knew that the Torah is true. I could see Truth in him. I saw what a Jew is. He told me then, "You see before you the happiest man in the world."

He would constantly search and was always ready to think things through from scratch. "Maybe it is not true? Maybe it is not correct?" Rav Zohar said that many things he himself already thought were established and true, but HaRav Zilberman would constantly question and quest.

His whole life he walked with the Ramchal and the Gaon and they are certainly receiving him now.

The levaya proceeded to Har Hazeisim, where he was buried in the presence of many of his students.


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