Dei'ah veDibur - Information & Insight

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6 Ellul 5760 - September 6, 2000 | Mordecai Plaut, director Published Weekly








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Home and Family
HaRav Eliyohu Boruch Goldschmidt, zt"l
by Ch. Baumwolspiner

"He may look like a mortal being, just another man of flesh and blood," remarked the Chazon Ish of a certain ben Torah, "but in truth he is not. He is actually a mal'ach, an angel of Hashem."

Such a man was Rav Eliyohu Boruch Goldschmidt, zt'l, mashgiach ruchani of Yeshiva Gedolah Zichron Moshe of South Fallsburg, and long-time member of the Kollel of Beis Medrash Govoha, Lakewood. His passing on 26th Menachem Av, at the early age of sixty-five -- suddenly and swiftly and without warning -- has shocked and stunned the communities of Lakewood, South Fallsburg, and the entire Torah world.

Rav Eliyohu Boruch, warmly known to all as Rav Elya, hailed from Buenos Aires, Argentina, where his parents had moved in 1938, along with their three-year-old son, in flight from Nazi Germany. Implanting, to the best of their ability, their staunch Jewish values in the midbar which was Argentinean Jewry at that time, the young Elya was educated in the finest traditions of German Jewry, becoming at an early age an outstanding example of their love of truth, meticulous adherence to mitzvos and passion for integrity. But, lacking the opportunity for advanced Torah study, the young Rav Elya chose to wed these qualities to a career in medicine. However, Hashem had other plans!

With the inspiration of Rav Altman, and Rav Pecker, Mirrer talmidim from Shanghai who settled in South America after the war and became his main teachers, Rav Elya looked forward to a projected yeshiva planned by HaRav Zeidel Semiaticki, zt'l and the chance for intense Torah learning that this promised. When this promise was tragically thwarted by Rav Zeidel's untimely passing shortly after reaching Buenos Aires, Rav Elya made the immediate decision -- at Rav Zeidel's levaya! -- to satisfy his awoken thirst for truth.

Rav Elya's move to Lakewood in 1960 marks his departure not only from his home, his country and his medical studies, but his absolute separation from any trace of the standards and fantasies of the secular world which had unavoidably impinged upon his youth. The new yeshiva bochur was met with the warm embrace of his rosh yeshiva, the godol hador, HaRav Aharon Kotler, zt'l, who encouraged him greatly and actually appointed Rav Elya to be the baal tefilla on the Yomim Noraim even as a bochur (a role he filled for the rest of his life). Rav Aharon, indeed, remained his primary mentor and even though Rav Elya spent only one and a half years in his presence, he continued to feel Rav Aharon's influence in Lakewood in a palpable way throughout his life.

Supremely inspired, Rav Elya literally threw himself into the yeshiva world and simply never left it. The dimension of unceasing Torah study was not only added to his other fine qualities, it raised and honed these qualities until they were fused with Torah in his own person as one composite whole. He became, as HaRav Aryeh Malkiel Kotler, rosh yeshivas Lakewood, elucidated at the levaya, the embodiment of the verse "You shall walk after the L-rd your G- d," (Devorim 13:5, see Sotah 14a).

Rav Elya represents the triumph of the spirit over the physical world. His twenty years in the kollel of Bais Medrash Govoha, followed by twenty more in the capacity of mashgiach ruchani in South Fallsburg, were an ongoing symphony of Torah, tefillo and gemilus chassodim. Tutored and fired by his close an intimate connection with the revered mashgiach HaRav Nosson Meir Wachtfogel, zt'l, Rav Elya welded his own mussar approach to his earnest desire to help others to develop their potential.

By the time Rav Elya left the Kollel, he was giving an amazing twenty-one mussar va'adim a week, each to a different group, each catering to its particular needs. (Some of these va'adim actually continued when Rav Elya returned for Shabbos to Lakewood, which remained his primary residence.)

At the same time, however, Rav Elya never ceased to work on himself. HaRav Elya Ber Wachtfogel, the rosh yeshiva of South Fallsburg, attests that in all his years as mashgiach, Rav Elya maintained the sedorim of the yeshiva and learned the yeshiva masechtas in spite of his heavy workload and the one-to-one relationship he maintained with each bochur. (Recording his many chiddushei Torah with care and precision, he was currently preparing a sefer on maseches Sotah.)

Rav Elya was suddenly niftar Sunday 26 Av in the midst of working on a new sefer on sholom bayis entitled Dear Son, planned as a counterpart to his best- selling Dear Daughter on the same subject.

His ability to deal face-on with this very real issue, along with the many other human issues which were addressed to him by the countless individuals who sought his counsel, establishes Rav Elya as the archetypical "mal'ach in human guise" to which the Chazon Ish referred. He was able to live in the world and yet not be burdened by it. At the same time he was able to uplift and enrich this world for the betterment of all.

His own illustrious family of children and grandchildren, all following in his ways, are a shining example of the innate quality of his teachings.

Rav Elya's final words in the unfinished manuscript of Dear Son read: "Not everything that happens in life can be understood in twenty-five seconds and decided in ten seconds." To us, who cannot grasp the meaning of his passing, and are left bereft of his direction, he has once again provided us with sage advice.


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