Dei'ah veDibur - Information & Insight

A Window into the Chareidi World

17 Cheshvan 5767 - November 8, 2006 | Mordecai Plaut, director Published Weekly










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Maayanei Hayeshua Opens New Maternity Ward

by Yated Ne'eman Staff

When Maayanei Hayeshua Medical Center held a mezuzah-posting ceremony for the new maternity ward the event brought together gedolei hador, poskei halochoh, rabbonim, public figures, ministers, MKs and ranking physicians.

The mezuzas were posted by the members of the hospital's Vaad Hahalochoh: HaRav Shmuel Halevi Wosner, HaRav Nissim Karelitz and HaRav Yitzchok Zilberstein; HaRav Shimon Ba'adani, a member of Moetzes Chachmei HaTorah, was also given the honor of posting a mezuzoh.

Hospital Director Dr. Yoram Lever led the rabbonim on a tour of the new department, pointing out the many special touches and features, normally found in a hotel rather than a maternity ward, and designed to allow postpartum mothers to recuperate as quickly as possible.

Following the posting of the mezuzas, the guests gathered at the hospital's events hall, where Bnei Brak Deputy Mayor Rabbi Yaakov Asher introduced the speakers.

"To date over 90,000 yaldei Yisroel have been born in this holy place, in accordance with the holy Torah: in purity, under modest conditions and based on halochoh," said HaRav Wosner.

"In addition to its standards of modesty, [Maayanei Hayeshua] maintains high standards of medical treatment and strictly adheres to halochoh, such as in furthering the longevity of the elderly in accordance with the Torah, making devoted efforts for another day, another hour, another breath," he said. He concluded by warmly congratulating and blessing Hospital President Dr. Rothschild, Director Dr. Lever and all who have helped Maayanei Hayeshua succeed.

HaRav Yitzchok Zilberstein expressed his pleasure at the continued development of the medical center, where leading poskim are consulted along every step of the way. "Maran Hashevet Levi and Maran Rebbe Nissim Karelitz set aside significant amounts of time to answer questions, guide, assist and advise this important place in every way possible," he said. "Every time a question is brought to their doorstep they address it without delay and provide the directors with clear answers all the time, demonstrating that the place is dear and important in their eyes.

"Hundreds of children are born only in the merit of this place! While doctors in other places plant despair in mothers' hearts, here the doctors plant hope and faith in the hearts of parents, and besiyata deShmaya hundreds of healthy children are born to happy parents. There is no other hospital like it anywhere in the world."

HaRav Zilberstein also conveyed HaRav Chaim Kanievsky's blessings to the hospital director and the directors' board.

HaRav Shimon Ba'adani also spoke, offering his blessings to the excellent physicians and management at the medical center, which makes every effort to allow women to give birth in modesty, holiness, purity and comfort. He lavished praise and said that the patients feel a sense of siyata deShmaya emanating from the walls of the hospital.

The dais was graced with the members of the hospital's Vaad Halochoh: HaRav Shmuel Halevi Wosner, HaRav Nissim Karelitz, HaRav Yitzchok Zilberstein, HaRav Yisroel Hager, HaRav Shimon Ba'adani, HaRav Moshe Shaul Klein, HaRav Yehoshua Horovitz and HaRav Yosef Hoffner.

Founder and president Dr. Moshe Rothschild, said that since the hospital's founding, the poskei hador who head the Vaad Halochoh have made efforts to accommodate questions by the physicians at the hospital 24 hours a day.

Director Dr. Lever thanked the participants, the rabbonim, government ministers, Rabbi Ariel Atias (Shas) and Rabbi Yitzhak Cohen (Shas), MKs Rabbi Porush, Rabbis Gafni and Rabbi Halpert, Bnei Brak Mayor Rabbi Yissochor Frankentahl and his deputies, Rabbi Elimelech Firrer, Rabbi Chananiyoh Cholak, Rabbi Zissman Teitel and many other public figures who made the effort to take part in the lofty event.


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