Dei'ah veDibur - Information & Insight

A Window into the Chareidi World

3 Shevat 5766 - February 1, 2006 | Mordecai Plaut, director Published Weekly










Produced and housed by
Shema Yisrael Torah Network
Shema Yisrael Torah Network












Inspirational pieces by Avrohom Tzvi Schwartz, author of several books

Money Problems

Do other people owe you money? Do you owe other people money?

The answer for most people — to both questions — is yes. What we forget though, is that the two are linked. As long as we don't pay others, others don't pay us.

The Many Against the Few
Beis Yaakov -
From a Tender Seedling to a Fruitful Tree

by Yehudit Golan

Part 3

Revealing Notes

For 60 years, an additional interesting correspondence was maintained, on small notes, which testify to the small difficulties that make up part of the long and exhausting fabric of the existence of the school. The notes dealt with prosaic matters: roll books. The Beis Yaakov Center, as responsible for the schools, also supplied roll books to the teachers who filled them out diligently. The roll books were published in 5705 and sent to the branches.

Where Have All the Tattoos Gone?
by Risa Rotman

It had been an idyllic outing. Many years back, some kind and generous religious performers had put together a Chanukah program to entertain Jerusalem's children during the holiday.

Be Prepared
by Raizel Foner

Once, when Grandpa Jules was strolling in Chicago, a thug stepped out of the shadows, pointing a gun. "Wallet or life," he snarled.

With a look of resignation, Grandpa Jules reached into his back pocket as if to take out his wallet . . . then lunged at the would-be thief with a drawn army knife. "YOUR life!!!" he roared. The mugger fled.

Attention To Progressive Repitition
by Devora Piha

What is progressive repetition? Let's take a look and see how it affects our understanding of our children, especially through their artwork. Repetition is a part of our lives. We repeat actions more than we care to count! But if we would take the time to count the repetitions of our children while they are learning, drawing and doing arts/crafts, we would see interesting progress taking place.

A Nash Nosh
by Ruth Lewis
(styled after Ogden Nash)

I'm really sorry if I come across as chauvinistic, and possibly there are some exceptions to the rule, but all I can say is: it seems to me that the difference between mothers and fathers is that if a mother is sitting comfortably, reading a book in the living room, and she imagines that she just possibly might have heard a teensy- weensy cough from her baby who is sleeping peacefully in his pretty yellow nursery down the hall —

by L. Raffles

There are many errors and confusions concerning lice and their eradication. The following was written to clarify some of these points. The following information is from the Medical Entomology Centre in Cambridge. Scientists there have extensively studied lice, their life cycle and various means of eradication.

Your Medical Questions Answered!
by Joseph B. Leibman, MD

My column, when I first started writing it seven years ago, was meant not only to disseminate medical information, but to give you a glimpse into the life of a physician as well — the satisfaction and turmoil that are an integral part of this profession.

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