Dei'ah veDibur - Information & Insight

A Window into the Charedi World

28 Nissan 5759 - April 14, 1999 | Mordecai Plaut, director Published Weekly







HaRav Chaim Menachem Ginzburg, zt"l

by Betzalel Kahn

On Shabbos chol hamoed Pesach, HaRav Chaim Menachem Ginzburg, rav of the Lev Someach beis medrash of Jerusalem's Bayit Vegan neighborhood, located at 99 Bayit Vegan Street, returned his pure soul to its Maker.

The niftar was born in 5671. His father, R' Sholom Gershon, was the av beis din of Stornitz and the son- in- law of R' Yisroel Yaakov of Chust, son of R' Mordechai of Nadvorna. Even as a youth, R' Chaim Menachem was known as an outstanding genius whose Torah innovations appeared in various journals and anthologies. His grandfather, R' Yisroel Yaakov of Chust, was very fond of him, and enjoyed engaging in Torah discussions with him.

When he came of age, the Admor, R' Chanoch Henoch Twerski of Malin took him as a son-in-law. After his marriage, he continued to progress in Torah and yirah, and published Messilos Chaim on the Torah, which contains approbations of R' Yehuda Leib Tzirelson of Kishinev and the gaon of Tchebin.

Before the outbreak of World War II he arrived in the United States with his father-in-law, who settled in Chicago. A short while later, R' Chaim Menachem was invited to preside as the av beis din of Minneapolis, where he instilled the entire community with a spirit of Torah and drew many closer to Yiddishkeit. He opened his home to every meshulach who arrived in Minneapolis, and conducted himself with kedusha and tohoroh, refraining from eating meat for forty years. His entire life was one long saga of kiddush Hashem.

Twenty years ago, after the petirah of his father-in- law, he moved to Eretz Hakodesh, where he officiated as rav of a beis medrash in Bayit Vegan. During those years, many consulted him. Recently, he became very weak, but continued his avodas hakodesh and received everyone in a warm, genial manner.

He is survived by an illustrious family, which consists of his sons, Rav Sholom Gershon and Rav Yosef Yisroel, and his sons-in-law, HaRav Dov Eichenstein, the av beis din of Belle Harbor; HaRav Meir Stern, the rosh yeshiva of the Passaic Yeshiva in New Jersey; a grandson, who is the Admor of Trisk, and many other grandchildren and great- grandchildren who are great in Torah and yirah.

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