Dei'ah Vedibur - Information & Insight

A Window into the Chareidi World

11 Kislev, 5785 - December 12, 2024 | Mordecai Plaut, director Published Weekly










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Chizuk from HaRav Yehoshua Eichenstein shlita

by Rabbi A. Cohen


We are living today in the midst of the exile of Islam which seeks to annihilate us, and suffering from it exceedingly. This period actually belongs to the Edomite exile, the last of the four stage exile, and we find ourselves in its final stages. The Maharal relates to the Exile of Edom, saying that it encompasses all of the previous three exiles, the first of which was the Greek exile.

The Greek exile was not a struggle over material issues but one of ideology, as opposed to that of Yishmoel, which relates to the body itself, as HaRav Chaim Vital writes in his commentary on Tehillim, chap.124.

The Greek goal was to abolish the holiness of Jewry and the barrier which separates Jews from the other nations. It was a battle of heresy against all that was holy, trying to transform it to profane. During part of this exile, they sought to make us "forget Your Torah." Their perception was that Torah is external, a branch of knowledge which has no internal value or sanctity. True to this philosophy, they waged war against Torah, to abolish its holiness and equalize it to all branches of knowledge.

In contrast to all previous exiles where only the nations persecuted Jews, in the Greek exile there were Hellenists, Jews leaning to the Greek ideology, and these selfsame Jews harassed Jewry from within and they, too, sought to undermine the Torah and its sanctity.

In these times, the Greek exile has again made a comeback together with its 'Hellenists.' These are Jews who also seek to abolish Torah from the world and eliminate Jewish sanctity.

This began in the era of Haskalah, the period of Jewish 'Enlightenment,' when the selfsame model of Greek philosophy surfaced. Since then, it has assumed different forms with an identical goal: to uproot religion and abolish Jewish sanctity.

Today we find it by the Leftist movement which also seeks to abolish religion and render Jews as a nation "like other nations." Its central stronghold in Israel is the High Court, which, as said, seeks to transform holiness into profane and leave no space for Torah and Yiddishkeit — a reincarnation of Greek credo in this stage of exile.

Part of the method of annihilating Torah is through Israeli army draft and enlistment. The army is essentially a crucible, an integral part of the Zionist goal of establishing a new nation devoid of Torah and mitzvos. They sought to gather all the youth who came to the country from all over the world and create with them a brave new world. This crucible is extant and active today as well.

We are grappling with the military conscription of the Torah public today. As they portray it, in a time of war, the country requires full partnership and cooperation at the front lines, especially in the light of so many soldiers falling in battle, creating a hole of manpower. This demand is done within the scope of the judicial system.

Any sensible person realizes that this demand does not come from a real lack of soldiers because they are aiming directly at yeshiva students immersed in Torah study. Aside from the practical ideological dangers of the army environment, there is the danger that they would forget the Torah as well. Surely, if their only problem was one of manpower, they would not concentrate their efforts on the chareidi public.

And similarly with their other wiles on the part of the local authorities, as of late, it is clear to all that their purpose is to harm the Torah-true public and cause it to "forget the Torah," with no connection to aid for the war effort. Their goal is to cause the general society to despise the Torah public, with no real need to help finance the military and to make it loathe chareidim and depict them as deserters and renegades.


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