Although Yahiya Sinawar probably adheres to the Moslem proscription against alcoholic beverages, he is almost certainly experiencing the feelings that lead those in the West to drink a toast to US President Biden. If only a week ago he was counting the days until the Israeli army entered Rafiach and being fatally cornered, he can now begin the countdown to the Israeli surrender to world pressure.
He can see the light at the end of the tunnel in which he lives. It looks like Israel might have to end the war and allow Hamas to claim victory and reassert control over the Gaza Strip.
The turning point was when cracks started to appear in the relationship between Israel and the US, that have since widened considerably. Biden finally ordered his representative in the UN to abstain on a resolution calling for an immediate cease fire. It also mentioned the release of the hostages, but importantly, it did not condition the cease fire on the release of the hostages.
On his path to return to the White House, the American president decided to throw Israel under the bus in the hope that he can win back the support of the pro-Palestinian voters who have expressed displeasure at his support of Israel's right to defend itself against a terror group that committed horrible crimes five months ago and vows to repeat them whenever it has the chance. All along, Hamas continues to fight against the Israeli soldiers and even to continue shooting rockets at civilian targets.
Maybe Biden thinks that Israel should listen to him since he has sent tremendous amounts of arms and has been supporting Israel in public forums. It was no wonder that the first to congratulate Biden were the terror organizations followed by the Israeli Left who celebrate any problem for Netanyahu, even if it harms the citizens of Israel and lessens the chance for restoring quiet in the south of Israel.