The Jerusalem Municipality is set to begin extensive work to
develop and upgrade infrastructures on four streets in Geulah
— Zecharya, Chagai, Yonah and Levush Mordechai. The
construction work is the second phase of a project to upgrade
public areas in chareidi neighborhoods in North Jerusalem at
the initiative of Mayor Rabbi Uri Lupoliansky.
Several months ago the municipality completed similar work to
residents' satisfaction on Rechov Amos, Rechov Nachum and
Rechov Ovadia, where a new playground was also built
including new playground equipment and rubber safety paving
As part of the project being executed by municipal
construction companies Eden and Moriah and the Bucharim-
Geulah Community Administration, on Rechov Zecharya, Rechov
Chagai, Rechov Yonah and Rechov Levush Mordechai new water,
drainage and lighting infrastructures will be installed, the
street will be re-laid and repaved with speed bumps and other
safety features, brick sidewalks will be laid, new benches
will be installed, traffic and direction signs will be
erected and safety barriers will be refurbished. While
construction work is underway the streets will remain closed
and traffic will be rerouted.
The municipality held a meeting for residents on Wednesday, 5
Shevat, at 8:00 p.m. at the Community Administration at
Rechov David 10. Heads of local institutions, representatives
of local shop owners and neighborhood residents are
encouraged to attend the meeting.
The Mayor says that when construction is completed in another
few months there will be marked improvements in quality of
life and safety for both children and adult residents. By
working with local residents the municipality is making
efforts to preserve the attributes the neighborhood has to
offer while boosting cleanup and maintenance work in the
entire area.