Dei'ah veDibur - Information & Insight

A Window into the Charedi World

7 Cheshvan 5766 - November 9, 2005 | Mordecai Plaut, director Published Weekly










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Shema Yisrael Torah Network
Shema Yisrael Torah Network


Paris is Burning; Jews Not Targeted
by Arnon Jaffe, Paris, M Plaut and Yated Ne'eman Staff

The suffocating smell of burning tires hangs in the air in the Arab suburbs north of Paris. Out past the road circling Paris, pillars of black smoke rise from the towns on the outskirts of the city. On Sunday morning an enormous fabric warehouse set on fire with Molotov cocktails the night before, was still burning.

An Israeli Answer to Avian Flu?
by Yated Ne'eman Staff

An Israeli biotech startup company is developing a flu vaccine that is expected to be effective against all flu viruses, both present and future. It could provide an effective answer to the widely feared avian flu threat.

Achsania Shel Torah Begins Operations in Jerusalem
by Betzalel Kahn

At the initiative of leading educators in Jerusalem's chareidi neighborhoods, the Achsania Shel Torah committee has been set up to arrange housing for yeshiva students— especially bochurim from abroad—who come to Jerusalem to study at the city's holy yeshivas.

Worrisome Figures Presented at Emergency Meeting for Yeshiva Managers
by Betzalel Kahn

At an emergency meeting held at the offices of the Union of Yeshiva Managers on Sunday 27 Tishrei, MKs Rabbi Moshe Gafni, Rabbi Meir Porush, Rabbi Shmuel Halpert and Rabbi Eli Yishai, public figures and managers of Torah institutions presented worrisome figures regarding the inadequacy of the basic budget of NIS 400 million allocated for the yeshivas and Torah institutions.

HaRav Matisyohu Salomon Speaks at Bais Yaakov Dinner in South Africa
by D Saks, South African Correspondent

HaRav Matisyohu Salomon, mashgiach ruchani at Lakewood Yeshiva in the US, was the keynote speaker at last Sunday's dinner celebrating 30 years of Bais Yaakov in South Africa. Amongst the many esteemed rabbonim present were Chief Rabbi Dr. Warren Goldstein and Rosh Beth Din Rabbi Moshe Kurtstag.

Rabbonim Reiterate Calls to Avoid Patronizing Sites Open on Shabbos
by Betzalel Kahn

Following advertisements for organized trips to Mini Israel and Chai Keif in Rishon Letzion and advertisements by attractions that desecrate Shabbos such as Keif Tzoba, tractor rides outside of Beit Shemesh, Holiday sailing excursions in Herzeliya and other sites that trample the sanctity of Shabbos in public, the Rabbinical Committee is asking the public to conduct thorough inquiries to ensure that sites keep Shabbos before setting out to visit them.

Avos U'Bonim Materials Held Up At Ben Gurion Airport — 20,000 Children Hold their Breath
by Yated Ne'eman Staff

When a power cut hit Ben Gurion Airport's freight security checking facility last week, the most important consignment to be held up was one and a half tons of materials for Avos U'Bonim programs around the world. So argued the program's director, Rabbi Dovid Herskowitz, and shipper Yossi Landau.

Two New Seforim on HaRav Shach's Teachings on Maseches Yevomos
by Yated Ne'eman Staff

Bnei Torah everywhere are waiting in eager anticipation for two more volumes of shiurim and chiddushim by Maran HaRav Shach zt"l on maseches Yevomos scheduled for release next week to coincide with his fourth yahrtzeit.

Jewish Community in Need

The Mikvah of East Denver (MOED) has temporarily CLOSED due to problems with their roof. They are desperately in need of funds in order to make the repairs that must be done before they can reopen. They have launched a community campaign to "Raise the Roof."

The Admor of Radzin, zt"l
by S. Bruchi

The Admor of Radzin, HaRav Avrohom Yissochor Englard zt"l, one of the elder admorim from Poland, was laid to rest on the fifth day of Chol Hamoed Succos at the age of 100.

Hesped Gathering at Yeshivas Knesses Chizkiyohu in Rechasim
by Y. Ariel

At the end of the Shloshim after the petiroh of HaRav Dovid Mishkovsky, the nosi and director of Yeshivas Knesses Chizkiyohu-Kfar Chassidim for over 50 years, a large hesped gathering was held at the yeshiva. The deceased was dedicated to the yeshiva from the time of its founding until his demise this year on Yom Kippur, 5766.

Torah Shiurim and Simchas Beis Hashoeva at Ozerov in Bnei Brak
by Gershon Harris

Lovers of Torah and Chassidus from all over Israel came to Bnei Brak during Chol Hamoed Sukkos to attend the Torah shiurim and Simchas Beis Hashoeva at the Ozerov Beis Medrash. There was standing room only for the fascinating shiurim delivered by important rebbeim.

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