Dei'ah veDibur - Information & Insight

A Window into the Chareidi World

21 Iyar 5764 - May 12, 2004 | Mordecai Plaut, director Published Weekly









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IDF Incursion into Gaza -- Palestinians Bomb a Military Vehicle
by Yated Ne'eman Staff

Israeli forces backed by armored and engineering units entered the Zeitoun neighborhood of Gaza late Monday night searching for metal workshops that produce Kassam rockets. Heavy exchanges of gunfire erupted between soldiers and armed Palestinians. Soldiers took up positions on the rooftops of houses as others swept the area for suspects.

On Tuesday morning the Palestinians reportedly implemented an elaborate ambush they had set up for an Israeli armored personnel carrier (APC). One account says that they fired an antitank missile that caused the APC to stop right where they had planted a bomb, and then they set off the explosion. Six soldiers were killed, Hy"d. The terrorists filmed the entire affair, and afterwards abused the dead bodies.

The armored personnel carrier contained explosives that were to be used to demolish the weapons factories. The forces were on their way out of the area after the operation had been announced over, when the device was detonated. As a result of the large explosion, parts of the carrier were spread over a wide area. The IDF reported difficulties in evacuating the dead.

The military wings of Islamic Jihad and Hamas claimed responsibility for the terror.

Reinforcements were being sent into the area and the army divided the Gaza Strip into three sections to stop militants from moving around.

Two Kassam rockets were fired at a town in the western Negev on Tuesday morning but both failed to explode.

The operation began when Israeli undercover forces sped into Zeitoun in civilian taxis and jeeps, the witnesses said. They were later joined by tanks and armored personnel carriers as helicopters fired their machine guns and loud explosions echoed across Gaza City. As many as 20 workshops were said to have been destroyed, according to the IDF.

The IDF operation is part of ongoing operations conducted by the IDF in the Gaza Strip to damage the terrorist infrastructure, which began after the killings of Hamas leaders Ahmed Yassin and his successor Abdul Aziz Rantissi.

In another part of Gaza, several IDF tanks and bulldozers entered the Rafah refugee camp on the Egyptian border and tore down a structure, residents said.


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