Dei'ah veDibur - Information & Insight

A Window into the Chareidi World

1 Kislev 5763 - November 6, 2002 | Mordecai Plaut, director Published Weekly









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Shema Yisrael Torah Network
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Postscript On HaRav Yitzchok Isaac Halevi, zt'l, Author Of Doros Horishonim
by Moshe Musman

The third section of the recent series contained an extensive discussion of Rav Halevi's multi-volume Doros Horishonim and of his activities in the founding of Agudas Yisroel. This may have given the mistaken impression that once he embarked on the composition of his major work, this became his exclusive occupation.

In fact, during the Hamburg years, he produced another major work: his commentary on maseches Chullin which developed from the shiur that he delivered each Shabbos. Covering virtually the entire maseches, this work also includes discussions on some of the fundamental topics that are touched upon in Chullin and which appear in many other places in Shas. He also continued to hold Torah discussions with other gedolei Torah at every opportunity, as he had done while living in Vilna.

He was prolific in all areas of Torah throughout his life, and he left much important written material that he himself did not arrange for publication but which is nevertheless of great significance. Besides a second edition of Botim Levadim which his family plans to issue due to the great interest in the sefer, a further volume of his chiddushim is in preparation. This will draw upon his other writings, notably the commentary to Chullin, his extensive glosses to Shas mishnayos, to sifrei hoRashbo and to other major works, to several works of Jewish thought, to his own Doros Horishonim and several teshuvos that he wrote.

Rabbi Chanoch Oppenheim of Ramot, Jerusalem, advises us that a biography in English was published in 1969 and translated into Hebrew in 1972. Its author is Rabbi Osher Reichel, a close talmid of Rabbi Shraga Feivel Mendelovitz, and one of the leading rabbonim on Manhattan's West Side until his retirement some years ago. [Editor's Note: This work was cited in the bibliography of our article.]

One of the unique features of Rabbi Reichel's work is the inclusion of photocopies of a number of original letters written by HaRav Y. I. HaLevy, which serve as prime material for the work. Some of these letters are to the gedolei Yisroel of the time, including R' Chaim Soloveitchik, R' Chaim Berlin, and R' Eliezer Gordon.

Although the English and Hebrew editions are out of print, one of the author's sons still has some. Any readers interested in obtaining a copy should contact Rabbi Hillel Reichel in Kiryat Ungvar, 92/1, Ramot, Jerusalem, 586- 9481.


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