Dei'ah veDibur - Information & Insight

A Window into the Chareidi World

22 Adar II 5763 - March 26, 2003 | Mordecai Plaut, director Published Weekly









Produced and housed by
Shema Yisrael Torah Network
Shema Yisrael Torah Network












Diet -- Pro and Con

by Malka Adler

Diets are Designed to lead to Deliberate Denial of Desserts. This, in turn, brings one Dangerously close to Disappointment, Deprivation and Depression. Such Deterioration can be Definitely and Dramatically reversed by inDulging in Desserts on a Daily basis. Relief from stress will be instant, immeDiate and ecstatic.

Be Organized
by A. Ross

This is not necessarily a pre-Pesach guide, but incorporating the rules will make you a more efficient person, even and especially at this time of year.

Itchy Knitting Fingers

by Feige Lipshitz

A recent article by Rifca Goldberg, "A Stitch in Time" [Parshas Truma], brought to mind some recollections of the wonderful world of creative handwork, knitting, crochet, needlepoint and design.

by A. Ross, M.Ed.

Most people with toddlers and growing children have encountered the `terrible twos.' Children of this age are not short of love and affection, and love their mother/father as much as any baby loves anyone beside himself. It is just the age.

Why a Diamond?
A small tribute to Sara Gitta Refson Blum o.b.m.

I know one reason why Hashem created diamonds.

Whoever said that the whole world is a stage, could have similarly said that the world is one big parable (but he was a gentile, and might not have understood that kabbalistic concept). Diamonds, I believe, were created to serve as an example of the human soul, of those special people who work at polishing up their inner essence so that it glows and shines.

Three Special Days

by Yaakov Meir Strauss
Published by Feldheim, Reviewed by Judith Weil

Three Special Days by Rabbi Yaakov Meir Strauss is a work of historical fiction set during Second Temple times. It describes ten-year-old Naftali's pre- Pesach journey to Jerusalem with his parents, older brother and baby sister and his experiences once he arrives there.

Your Medical Questions Answered!
by Joseph B. Leibman, MD

Our next series concerns the kidneys and urinary tract. Of course, there are topics in urology that are not appropriate for public discussion so feel free to write me if you have any private questions.

Variations on a theme

by Tziporah Zien

You're all set for the journey; you're packed and ready to go. Did you remember to bring along some food for thought?

Good morning, gentlemen and ladies,
The coach is nearly fit to roll.
Baruch Hashem, we're right on schedule.
Your driver has complete control.

You've boarded quickly, stashed the luggage
And found each one a cushioned seat.
Now, settle back, the scene's unfolding,
Relax and rest your weary feet.

The passengers all bounce together
As cruising down the road they ride.
Some doze, some read and some make phone calls
As they move forward side by side.

Take note of scarves and headgear
You're traveling with fellow Jews
Please, pray we be granted safe passage.
Let's hope our bus won't make news.

We're all en route to destinations
To execute the roles we play.
As long as the bus wheels are turning
We share this space along the way.

It's not by chance that we're together.
Hashem directs the steps of man
Through traffic jams and stormy weather
We all proceed at His command.

Indeed, each trip can bring us closer
To understanding where we've been
And why we're striving ever forward
Amidst aggression, storms and din.

A slice of life this time we're sharing
As minutes, seconds while away.
Eventually, we'll reach the station
And each go his separate way.

This one will hail a cab to somewhere
Another will be met by friends
While yet a third will transfer coaches.
Who knows just where the journey ends?

While trudging through the Sinai Desert
How goodly were our tents, dear folk,
Let's scrutinize not out -- but inwards
Lest retribution we provoke.

Let's push to gain appreciation
Though fleeting our proximity
Of every Jew's unique position
As we approach Eternity.

So while we occupy this carriage
Let's train our eyes, thoughts and ears
To focus on the good in others
To merit sweet and healthy years.

If we get accustomed to speaking and thinking positively about each other, the reward of this mitzva will be another mitzva and we will merit, again and again, to see only the good in others. All of our relationships, the life-long and the fleeting, will become enjoyable and meaningful.


by Ruth Lewis

Which road did you take here?
Was it long or not very?
Smooth or stony?
Straight or twisty?
Was the going clear or misty?
Was it slippery? Muddy?
Did you fall?

Which road did you take here?
Were you hungry? Thirsty? Weary?
Warm or cold?
Did you walk in dark or sunlight?
Through woods, mountains, desert?
Were you lost? Afraid?

Which road did you take here?
Were you a stranger? or
Was it familiar land?
Were there others with you to hold your hand,
Or were you alone?

Not that it matters.
You're here now.
For those who want them to,
All roads lead Home.

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