Years ago, folks had little good to say about soy foods.
Tofu, which is made from soy, was maligned as a food for
"nutty" vegetarians. Textured vegetable protein, a soy-based
meat extender, was called "mystery meat." Today, however,
people are jumping for soy as the benefits of soy foods are
recognized. Here is information to help you understand the
health and nutritional power of soy, along with tips to help
you add more soy to your diet.
Soy for Health
Reduced risks of some diseases have been documented in
populations that consume a soy-rich diet. For example,
Japanese and Chinese people have lower rates of heart
disease, and breast and prostate cancer than Americans or
Israelis. Soy may be one part of the explanation. Soy may
also benefit menopausal women.
Heart Disease. Soy may halt the chain of events that leads to
clogged arteries. Research suggests that soy foods help lower
cholesterol. And it appears that the higher the initial
cholesterol level, the more effective soy is in reducing it.
Saturated fat and cholesterol in the diet are reduced when
animal proteins are replaced with soy protein. Also, soy is
rich in a polyunsaturated fat called linoleic acid, which has
been shown to lower blood cholesterol.
Cancer. Soy is a rich source of phytochemicals -- plant
substances that may have health-promoting properties.
Genestein, one of the phytochemicals in soy, may suppress the
growth of tumor cells. Soy may reduce the risk of prostate
cancer in men and the risk of breast cancer in women.
Soy is also one of the richest sources of plant estrogens.
These substances can lengthen the menstrual cycle by 2 or 3
days. Over the course of a lifetime, this can reduce the
potentially cancer-causing effects of the body's
Although understanding of the physiological effects of soy's
estrogens is still limited, menopausal women may enhance --
and will certainly not hurt -- their overall health by
including more soy in their diets.
All about Tofu
Tofu is made when the milk-like liquid from soybeans is
curdled and pressed into a solid block. Tofu has a custard-
like texture, and on its own it's relatively flavorless. It
gets its flavor from surrounding seasonings like soy sauce,
curry, hot peppers, turmeric or garlic.
Tofu is sold in tubs or small boxes and comes in three main
styles; silken, soft and firm. The last holds its shape best.
In general, the firmer the tofu, the more protein and
Tofu often comes packed in water and once you've opened the
package, you should change the water daily to keep it fresh
in your refrigerator.
Soy for Nutrition
Protein. Vegetarian diets are popular among active people and
soy's high-quality protein provides them with all the amino
acids essential for building muscles. This means soy is an
excellent alternative to animal protein.
Calcium. A bonus for tofu eaters is calcium, a mineral
important for strong bones. One-quarter cake of tofu (about 4
ounces) can offer up to 120 milligrams of calcium, the amount
in 3 ounces of milk. Be sure to read the label to verify that
the tofu has been calcium-coagulated; otherwise it will be a
poor source of calcium.
In general, other soy foods are poor sources of calcium. If
you drink soy milk instead of cow's milk, select a calcium-
fortified brand.
Tips for Enjoying Soy
Mix soy protein powder into milk or juice for a breakfast
drink or "nightcap." One serving provides about 20 grams of
Add silken tofu to milk shakes or banana smoothies.
Snack on a soy protein bar.
Substitute soy milk for regular milk in recipes such as
French toast or pudding.
Blend silken tofu into dips or dressings in place of sour
Crumble a half cake of soft or firm herbed tofu on the top of
Use soft tofu in Oriental Soups.
Mash tofu with curry powder and chutney or stuff it into a
pita for a quick, tasty sandwich.
Mash soft tofu or soy crumbles to any recipe that uses ground
beef or ground turkey, such as lasagna, sloppy joes, tacos or
spaghetti sauce, replacing all or part of the meat.
Stir-fry slices of firm tofu with spices.
Marinate and grill firm tofu.
Adding Soy to Your Diet
For most eat-on-the-run active people, the trick to boosting
soy intake is boosting availability. But even though soy food
is becoming tastier and more convenient, soy is far from
mainstream. Even so, you can find soy foods if you know where
to look.
You can find tofu in many ethnic restaurants. Soy is a common
ingredient in Chinese, Thai, Indian and other Asian cuisines.
Soy foods are also found at vegetarian and "natural food"
When shopping, look for frozen soy products such as garden
burgers, soy "crumbles" (small chunks similar to ground meat)
and soy sausage patties or links in larger grocery or natural
food stores or buy soy protein powder at a health food store.
Other common soy foods include soy dogs and tempeh (a meal-
like patty).
Soy can be quick and easy to prepare; tofu, for example,
doesn't even need to be cooked.
One key to enjoying soy is to appreciate it for what it is.
For example, even though a veggie burger looks like a
hamburger, it won't measure up if you expect it to taste like
How Much Is Enough
Research on cholesterol reduction demonstrates improvement
with 30 or more grams of soy protein per day. You can get
about 10 grams in 4 ounces (1/4 cake) of tofu, 8 ounces of
soy milk or soy protein bar.
Because any soy is better than no soy, simply try to eat at
least one serving a day. And remember you need to eat soy in
combination with an overall healthful diet. Double the joy of
soy by eating other nutritious foods like fruits, vegetables,
fiber and healthful oils.
Dr. Reuven Bruner, Ph.D. Health/Fitness/Nutrition & Total
Lifestyle Consultant Fitness of Body & Mind (02) 652-7684;
(052) 865821; fax: (02) 653-6903; Email: