& Comment
Legislation to Restrict Government Investigatory
by E. Rauchberger
Several Knesset members have announced they will table a bill
as soon as the winter sitting begins to alter or abolish
government investigatory commissions such as the Or
Commission. Minister Uzi Landau, for instance, opposes these
commissions on grounds they are used to wage wars against
Jews by Jews. He says no other nation in the world has such
commissions because the body responsible for investigating
cannot be the same body that issues recommendations, reaches
conclusions and passed judgment. Therefore he claims they
should only be granted the authority to investigate.
Landau lodged criticism against the very setup of the Or
Commission, claiming this is not the first time the State of
Israel has accused its best people of deeds committed by
others. Following the massacre at Sabra and Shatila, he says,
Israel was accused of acts perpetrated by Lebanese
Christians, and now top Israeli officials--including high-
ranking police officers--have been accused of causing the
deaths of 13 Arab-Israelis in the case of a riot out of
control that endangered the lives of policemen.
Manufacturing Incitement
The Knesset Finance Committee is scheduled to visit factories
owned by millionaire Stef Wertheimer in the Tefen Industrial
Area in the Galilee region. Committee Chairman Avraham
Hirschson (Likud) explained that MKs will take the time to
travel all the way to Tefen to mark Wertheimer's important
contribution to developing industry in Israel.
Wertheimer has achieved renown not only for developing
industry, but also infamy for a wealth of provocative
statements against the chareidi sector. In the past the
organization Manof sent a letter asking Attorney General
Eliakim Rubinstein to arrest and investigate Wertheimer for
incitement following remarks such as, "The chareidim are more
dangerous to the country than Hizbullah," or "Secularists
must hold riots against the chareidim and prevent them from
[exercising their] right to vote." Copies of the letter were
also forwarded to the State Prosecutor and the head of the
police's Department of Investigations.
Along with the letter, Manof sent a copy of a Yediot
Achronot interview with Wertheimer in which he was quoted
as saying, "To the sensible-minded secular public I say,
`Take to the streets, riot, do not rest easy until the
Election Law is changed. They should not be allowed to vote .
. . If we do not rein in the chareidim they'll kill us. Yes,
they'll kill us.'" Rubinstein rejected the request.
Wertheimer is thoroughly convinced that the chareidim pose a
greater threat to the State than security issues, more
dangerous than Syria and Lebanon combined. "No, I'm not
exaggerating at all. I am here to say this is the end of
Israel. The chareidim are barely 15 percent of our population
but they buy votes in a way disproportionate to their size. A
hundred times, a thousand times greater than their
[numerical] strength. They do not believe in the State, they
do not pledge their allegiance to it, they do not pledge
their allegiance to the flag, they will not defend either you
or me in war, they scorn the law, they take money from us.
There is no other way to put it: they are simply stealing the
country away from us."
Now the Knesset Finance Committee has decided to bestow a
prize upon this ignominious figure, a good friend of Tommy
Lapid, by visiting his industrial plants. Yaakov Litzman
(UTJ) and Nissim Dahan (Shas) asked Hirschson to cancel the
visit, claiming if a leader anywhere else in the world were
to make such remarks the State of Israel would be quick to
denounce him as an antisemite. "Were he to say about the Arab
sector what he said about the chareidim would these same
noble-minded people keep quiet?" asked the two MKs.
Yet Hirschson denied their request claiming, "Wertheimer is a
serious and valued industrialist, a man who combines vision
and reality, and his central contribution to Israel is in
manufacturing important industrial products that have a large
market abroad."
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