Dei'ah veDibur - Information & Insight

A Window into the Chareidi World

29 Adar 5762 - March 13, 2002 | Mordecai Plaut, director Published Weekly









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Annual Conference Of Headteachers Of Orthodox Jewish Schools
by Yated Ne'eman Staff

Last month the Association of Headteachers of Orthodox Jewish Schools held their Annual three-day Conference at the Normandie Hotel in Bournemouth. Close to eighty participants, representing 12,000 of the approximately 15,000 schoolchildren studying at Jewish schools in Britain, gathered together to participate in a series of shiurim, lectures and brainstorming sessions on various chinuch topics.

The guests of honor were Rabbi Y. C. Horowitz (rov of Satmar Manchester), Rabbi S. Saberski (maggid shiur at Ger Yeshiva Ketana, London and mashgiach of Pardes House Grammar School), and the world-renowned mechanech, Rabbi Noach Orlowek (mashgiach of Yeshivas Torah Ohr, Yerushalayim, author of books on chinuch and parenting, and former cheder rebbe).

Rabbi Horowitz gave a series of shiurei halochoh addressing specific shailos that had been presented to him before the Conference, and was also available to speak to individuals throughout the Conference. Rabbi Saberski presented divrei chizuk and addressed topical chinuch issues. He also participated actively in many of the sessions led by the various speakers. In a flying visit, Rabbi Orlowek (who was in Bournemouth for 17 hours) led two sessions which covered a number of fundamental topics that are vital for all mechanchim.

Also attending the Conference were Rabbi Shimon Weingarten (rov of Bridge Lane Beis Hamedrash, London), as well as MP Ivan Lewis, the Jewish junior Education Minister, Dr. Roy Long, HM Inspector of Independent Jewish schools, and Dr. Clifford French. consultant in educational law.

The main sessions included discussions of issues such as: "The increasing role of the Headteacher," "How to succeed in an Educational Project," "Children at Risk," "Strategies for Testing Pupils," "Training and Observing Teachers," "Making Tefilloh Meaningful," "Developing Yiras Shomayim in Pupils." These sessions were attended by all delegates.

There were also three sessions devoted to Open Forums, which are round-the-table discussions between headteachers of similar schools. Special-interest sessions were held for governors, who attended the first day of the Conference, and for female teachers.

Each major session was followed by an opportunity for questions and answers, and there were also opportunities for delegates to mingle and discuss issues of mutual interest. Indeed there was a palpable atmosphere of purposeful unity, as old and young, experienced and less experienced mechanchim representing all shades of Orthodoxy mingled freely well into the night discussing their difficulties and successes, garnering tips and dispensing advice.

The Association was actually set up in 1991, operating under the auspices of Rabbi J Dunner, and the first Chairman was Rabbi Meir Roberg. Upon Rabbi Roberg's emigration to Eretz Yisroel, Mr. Chaim Wahrshawsky took over at the helm and instituted the Annual Bournemouth Conference. The current Chairman, Mr. D. Jacobson, praised Mr. Wahrshawsky's efforts in raising funds for this Conference. Mr. Jacobson also thanked his vice-chairmen, Rabbi Y. Yodaiken of Manchester and Rabbi N. Lieberman of Gateshead, for their assistance in the organizing and running of the Conference.

Over the years the Association has expanded to include London and Manchester chadorim and European schools. Representatives from Antwerp, Zurich, Amsterdam and Gibraltar were present at this Conference. The Annual Conference itself has grown in both size and stature over the years, and has been described this year as `the best ever,' with all participants returning to their pupils with renewed enthusiasm for their avodas hakodesh.

We hope to have a fuller report in our expanded Pesach issue next week.


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