Nisan is the Month of Geulah
The postwar generation has generally had it pretty good. In
the West it grew up and came of age in a time of increasing
prosperity and general calm. There have been crises in the
West and wars in Israel, but they were usually pretty short --
a few months at most. For the most part, the past half a
century has been a period of secure establishment and growth.
The Prime Objective: Speak About My Name Everywhere
In The Land!
by HaRav Yitzchok Shlomo Silbermann, zt'l
In this shiur, HaRav Silbermann clarifies the
main objective of yetzias Mitzrayim. His
penetrating conclusion has important consequences for
fulfilling the mitzvoh of sippur yetzias
Mitzrayim at the seder. This shiur was
delivered two years ago, on erev Pesach 5760, and was
prepared from the notes of one of the listeners by A.
Chefetz. It is being presented here to mark HaRav
Silbermann's first yahrtzeit on 18 Adar.
Understanding Leil HaSeder
HaRav Shimson Pincus zt"l was killed, along
with his wife and daughter, in a tragic car accident
one year ago on the 13th of Nisan. In addition to being
the rov of the kehilla of Ofakim, Israel, HaRav
Pincus lectured and participated in seminars throughout
the world. The following article is taken from a taped
lecture "Leil HaSeder" that he delivered in the U.S.
before Pesach two years ago.
The Maaseh Rav Haggodoh
Selections from the Maaseh Rav Haggodoh that was
compiled and edited by HaRav Sholom Meir Wallach.
The Haggodoh states: "Even if we are all wise, we
are all sage, we are all venerable, we all know the
Torah. [Yet] it is a mitzvah to retell the story of the
exodus from Egypt, and whoever exceeds in telling of
the exodus from Egypt is praiseworthy."
Following are several different incidents and
insights about this passage and what it means to be
"wise, sage and venerable" -- chachomim, nevonim,
yod'ei Torah.
Shevii Shel Pesach: How the Depths of Despair Lead
to the Depths of Hashem's Lovingkindness
by S. Bilgrei
The most powerful day of Sefiras HaOmer is Shevii Shel
Pesach which is a real yom tov. Shevii Shel
Pesach was the day of Krias Yam Suf, the
splitting of the sea.
Recalling a Capacity to Hate Evil
by Mordecai Plaut
We cannot presume to know the intention of Providence in the events we undergo, but we must learn the lessons inherent in them. The Rambam writes (Taanis 1:3) that not to do so is cruelty: " . . . if they say it is just the way the world is, this trouble just happened -- this is cruelty; it causes them to persist in their evil ways and will compound the trouble and add more." To that end, we must understand and characterize what has happened and is happening, and try to draw lessons from it.
Husbands, Wives and Children
by HaRav Chaim Pinchas Scheinberg
Part II
In the first part of this essay about the very
important topic of sholom bayis HaRav Scheinberg
noted that generally a couple starts out compatible and
together, but later breaks apart. The long and intimate
contact of married life brings out frictions that were
not visible previously.
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