Dei'ah veDibur - Information & Insight

A Window into the Chareidi World

16 Tammuz 5762 - June 26, 2002 | Mordecai Plaut, director Published Weekly









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Shema Yisrael Torah Network
Shema Yisrael Torah Network











The Chain of Shalom Awaits Your Link!
by Yated Ne'eman Staff

Some people dream about "striking it rich" by joining what is known as a "pyramid marketing scheme." Reuven sells a product to Shimon, and makes a profit on his sale. Shimon then sells the product to three more people, gaining a profit for himself and accumulating credit for Reuven as well. In theory, in a short time Reuven becomes a millionaire, based on the credit he gains for each succeeding level of sales.

There is another type of "pyramid scheme" in the making, however, all over Yerushalayim and slowly expanding across the globe. The goal of its members is not to acquire wealth for themselves but rather to amass a fortune of merit for all of Klal Yisroel. If you haven't heard of it yet, you'll be hearing about it soon: the Mishmeres HaShalom!

The idea is brilliant in its simplicity. The ambitious goal: to create a peaceful, loshon hora-free environment in our communities. The powerful tool: a beautiful and inspiring booklet detailing the project, which entails involving each family in studying the halochos and assuming regular Mishmeres hours of exacting Shmiras Haloshon. The method: getting the booklet into each and every home, in each family's mother tongue, by an efficient distribution system.

One representative takes responsibility for a block of houses, appointing a willing volunteer to give out the booklet, accompanied by a warm explanation, to one building only. Along with the booklet, the representative offers a beautiful laminated placard of the tefilloh of the Chofetz Chaim to post prominently in the home.

When that building is covered, the task is passed on to the volunteer of the next building, with the block representative keeping close tabs of the progress. With time, the base of the "pyramid" expands to include more and more participants.

Each family that joins the Mishmeres HaShalom community gains immense zechus for themselves and for Klal Yisroel. The volunteers, in turn, get "heavenly dividends" for each new recruit to the idea of a loshon hora-free world. It's as simple as that!

Mishmeres HaShalom, run entirely by a dedicated group of idealistic, yet eminently practical women, is a subsidiary of the well-known Notzrei Lashon organization. The project is backed by the strong support of a wide spectrum of rabbonim, including, among others, HaRav Steinman, HaRav Wosner, HaRav Mutzafi, and the Eida HaChareidis.

Up until now, 4000 booklets have been printed in Yiddish, 5000 in English, and no less than 20,000 booklets came out in Hebrew soon after Shavuos. The striking cover of the booklet depicts a chain with one link hanging askew. The message is clear.

We can form a chain of ahavas Yisroel and sholom that will connect us directly to HaKodosh Boruch Hu and hasten the Geula. We know that just as in Mitzrayim, now too the women will be the ones from whom the Geula will come. It is up to the mother of the house to bring the idea close to the hearts of her husband and children. Together, we will join to form an unbroken chain -- family after family, community after community, country after country. Let's not break the chain!

In addition to describing the Mishmeres HaShalom program, the magnificently designed booklets present letters from people whose lives have been changed by their involvement in Shmiras Haloshon, and a number of true stories graphically depicting the enormous protective power of Shmiras Haloshon.

The booklets in each language are dedicated to memorable personalities who left a strong mark on Klal Yisroel. The English one preserves the memory of Rav Zev ben Nachman Tabak, who had a powerful sense of compassion and understanding, fueled by his mesirus nefesh for learning Torah, a man to whom many people turned for guidance, and also Rav Yosef Yehuda ben Yechezkel Spitzer, a special baal chesed and machnis orchim.

The Yiddish booklet is dedicated in memory of a remarkable tzadekes, Moras Sarah Feigel bas Rav Dovid Zelig Tzeinvort. She was known for her caution to skillfully change the subject whenever a conversation crept in the direction of Loshon Hora, as well as her absolute integrity in keeping information entrusted to her confidential.

A recently niftar and sorely missed personality in Yerushalayim, the amud hachessed Rabbi Michel Gutfarb, was the obvious choice for the dedication of the Hebrew booklet. In addition to his phenomenal chesed activity, Rabbi Gutfarb was known for his amazing care in Shmiras Haloshon. Rabbi Gutfarb dealt daily with dozens of delicate and painful situations in his tzedokoh work. Not a word was ever shared with his household; every detail remained with him alone.

The kollel that he established began each day of learning with ten minutes study of Hilchos Shmiras Haloshon. The avreichim were tested on these halochos regularly, and their monthly stipend was contingent on the successful completion of the tests.

On the checks Rabbi Gutfarb used for his tzedokoh payments were printed the words "na lehischazek beshemiras haloshon" -- please strengthen yourself in Shmiras Haloshon -- not a demand, but a gentle request: "please." That made a deep impression. The widows and destitute individuals who benefited from the donations he channeled to them were asked to write and acknowledge receipt of the check. In her letter, one poor, uneducated woman, who could barely write Hebrew, informed him that she had started learning Hilchos Loshon Hora, thanks to the modest comment on his check.

"A loshon hora-free environment!" Sounds unrealistic? Think again! Breindy Brodstein got the ball rolling in the Yerushalmi community in Beit Shemesh just before Pesach. At this point, almost every single family in the Kirya there has enthusiastically embraced the idea. Before long, Beit Shemesh will be the first loshon hora-free city. Who will be next?

Stop a moment. Close your eyes and just try to imagine a world without hurtful words, a world devoid of machlokes, a world brimming with ahavas Yisroel and the kli machzik brochoh of sholom. Now open your eyes, but retain the dream! Yes, we can create the chain that will make the dream a reality!

To help bring the message of Mishmeres HaShalom to your community call your neighborhood representative. If you do not know who it is, phone (02) 538-5389 to grasp at the opportunity, and "strike it rich" -- in zechuyos for you and for Klal Yisroel!


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