Dei'ah veDibur - Information & Insight

A Window into the Charedi World

3 Shevat 5762 - January 16, 2002 | Mordecai Plaut, director Published Weekly









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Shema Yisrael Torah Network
Shema Yisrael Torah Network


Opposition To Initiatives For Religious-Secular Dialogue and to the Idea Of a Covenant Stressing Common Values
by Yated Ne'eman Staff

Strong protests have been voiced and unequivocal dissociation has been expressed in all chareidi circles, from initiatives to hold "dialogues" and to identify "common values" that chareidim and secular Israelis share. All chareidi groups have likewise distanced themselves from a recently publicized "Joint Covenant," that is totally opposed to our community's outlook.

Zinni's Return may be Delayed
by Yated Ne'eman Staff

US special envoy Anthony Zinni had been tentatively scheduled to return at the end of this week for more consultations with Israel and the Palestinian Authority. State Department spokesman Richard Boucher said that no decision had yet been taken regarding his return.

After Killing "Ticking Bomb": Public Relations is not Always the Main Goal
by Yated Ne'eman Staff

On Monday Raed Mahmoud Raef Karmi, a Tanzim operative, born in 1974, died in an explosion near his home in Tulkarm. Last week Israel demolished Palestinian houses along the border between Gaza and Egypt.

Ministry to Monitor Foreign Yeshiva Students
by Yated Ne'eman Staff and M. Plaut

The Ministry of Religious Affairs recently agreed on new procedures intended to verify that all students reported as studying are actually attending yeshiva. More than NIS 120 million in state funds is allocated annually to yeshivos for students from abroad studying in Israel.

HaRav Dessler's Yahrtzeit Observed in Gateshead
by Yated Ne'eman Staff

Sixty years ago it was clear that hundreds of Jewish communities and almost all organized Torah learning on the European continent came to virtual extinction. The great centers of Torah in America and Eretz Yisroel had yet to emerge and the few gedolim who survived were desperately concerned for the future of Klal Yisroel.

HaRav Avrohom Yitzchok Elzas, zt"l
by Betzalel Kahn

Hundreds attended the levaya of HaRav Avrohom Yitzchok Elzas, zt"l on Wednesday 18 Teves, who was a resident of the Beit Shemesh community for the past few years. He was eighty at the time of his petiroh.

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