& Comment
On HaRav Miller zt"l
To The Editor:
Of the many ideological yeshuos that Rav Avigdor
Miller zt"l wrought for this generation, one of the
greatest was his uncompromising defense of the Torah's
chronology that our universe is 6,000 years old.
The very basis of our Shabbos observance is the literal
truth of "six days shall you labor . . . for in six days the
L-rd made the heaven and the earth" (Shemos 20) --
six days, not six billion years!
In his books and lectures Rav Miller amassed a large body of
solid scientific evidence showing that the Jewish date 5761
(preceded by a Hexaemeron of 144 hours) is literally
For example: the rate of decrease of the earth and sun's
magnetic fields, the rate of decrease in the size of the
solar disc, the high residual warmth of the moon and mere
half-inch of dust on its surface (which amazed the Apollo
astronauts who had been told to expect being swamped!), the
decrease in the speed of light, the paucity of helium and
micro-meteoric dust in the atmosphere, the rate of mineral
deposition into the oceans, the fallacious premises of
radiometric dating, the still "unwrapped" state of the arms
of the great spiral galaxies, the thickness of Saturn's
rings, the continued existence of short-term comets, human
population statistics, the complete dearth of any human
record or artifact older than 6000 years, polystrate
fossils, the inability of the DNA molecule to last more than
10,000 years, the non-organic theory for the origin of oil,
dendochronolgy (no tree older than 5100 years can be
found!), pleochroic haloes etc., all indicative of an
astounding recency of creation!
Yours Truly,
Amnon Goldberg
Tel Aviv
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