& Comment
Another Point About HaRav Miller, zt"l
To The Editor:
I read your article about the hesped of Rabbi Miller,
zt"l. You quoted HaRav Boruch Rosenberg, who said
that Rabbi Miller influenced people to teshuva by
saying the absolute truth that there is a Master of the
Being at the funeral, HaRav Rosenberg stressed one more
point: that a Jew is the only child of Hashem.
This point was stressed all the time by Rabbi Miller,
zt"l, in many of his lectures. He used to say that
this is one of the foundations of Shabbos, as the
posuk says, "Beini uvein Bnei Yisroel, os he
le'olom." He said that we are too modest to brag about
this, but we have to feel and believe this.
Rabbi Miller would quote the posuk in Devorim
(10,15): "Rak ba'avosecho choshak Hashem, le'ahavoh osom,
vayivchar bezar'om achareihem, bochem, mikol ho'amim kayom
hazeh," and say that one should give this out to their
Yours sincerely,
M. Sternberg
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