Deiah veDibur - Information & Insight

A Window into the Chareidi World

25 Teves 5759 - Jan. 13, 1999 | Mordecai Plaut, director Published Weekly







Opinion & Comment
Life is the Right Ideology

Wanton murder and terrorism are terrible crimes that are committed by the lowest of creatures. Men who murder people living peacefully in their homes or driving to their jobs are among the lowest creatures that there are, behaving in a despicable manner. They must be stopped and punished. No victim shares the blame of a cold-blooded murderer. That is the right and wrong of the matter.

Notwithstanding their being right and blameless, there is a kind of behavior among the Jewish residents of Chevron and vicinity that should be changed.

Last week there was a terrible attack on two innocent teachers on their way to work in Chevron. Boruch Hashem there was no loss of life. Their rescue was no doubt a Divine miracle, but very human hishtadlus could certainly have helped.

The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) has made an armored car available for travel such as that. The residents of Chevron refuse to use it for ideological reasons.

The residents insist that it is the responsibility of the IDF to ensure that the areas under its control are safe for normal life. They maintain that armored vehicles are the government's attempt to cover up the shortcomings of the disengagement agreement reached in Chevron with the Palestinian Authority.

"Until the Minister of Defense realizes that the problem is not putting Jews into armored vehicles but putting the terrorists into the autonomous areas -- nothing will be solved." This was the response of Noam Arnon, one of the official spokesmen of the Chevron community to the suggestion that they travel in protected vehicles.

The issue is not a new one and does not lack for more serious instances. Several months ago Rav Shlomo Ra'anan, Hy'd, was murdered in his home in Tel Rumeida, a small Jewish neighborhood completely surrounded by thousands of hostile Arabs. There were not even bars on the windows of Rav Ra'anan's home.

A senior IDF official who visited the area not long before the murder tried to convince the residents of Tel Rumeida to take steps to protect themselves. "We tried to tell them that it is pikuach nefesh, but that was also like talking to the wall. We have no budgetary limitations when it comes to protecting the lives of the residents of Chevron, all they have to do is consent," said the senior IDF official.

The courage and mesiras nefesh of those who live in Chevron is impressive but not admirable. The settlers in those areas want to make a political point by their living address, but there is no justification for their traveling in unprotected vehicles just to that they can attack the IDF for its failure to prevent a successful attack, Rachmono litzlan.

Throughout the cities, people are exposed to threats to their property, yet everyone does what he can to guard his home and does not rely solely on the police who are responsible for preserving public safety. How much more should this be true with regard to matters of life and death.

The issue of right and wrong is not what matters here. These are precious Jews and a way must be found to keep them alive.

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