The bein hazmanim yeshivas in Har Nof in Jerusalem run
by the Bnei Torah organization were an impressive success.
The bein hazmanim yeshivas for yeshiva gedola
students were at Congregation Pnei Shmuel, and for
yeshiva ketana students at Congregation Chesed
Dozens of yeshiva students learned with great diligence
during their vacation time. Important roshei yeshiva
saw it as an obligation to encourage the students, and
they came to give shiurim during the yeshiva periods.
The enthusiasm for Torah increased as some of the yeshiva
gedola students came to the yeshiva and gave shiurim
to the yeshiva ketana students.
The bein hazmanim yeshivas program of the Bnei Torah
organization began more than a year and a half ago, with the
aim of strengthening and raising up the glory of Torah,
particularly during bein hazmanim. In every bein
hazmanim the organization runs learning programs as
bein hazmanim yeshivas, and through their efforts
dozens of yeshiva students come to learn during their
vacation. Reasonable stipends were distributed to the yeshiva
students for encouragement.
Similar programs are implemented in other neighborhoods and
cities throughout Israel by various groups and