Dei'ah veDibur - Information & Insight

A Window into the Chareidi World

19 Iyar 5759, May 5 1999 | Mordecai Plaut, director Published Weekly

















Home and Family
The Green Book

Submitted for anonymous publication by a Bnei Brak reader.
Names are made-up.

At a Rosh Chodesh party in Bnei Brak for English-speaking women, the following comment was heard, "There should be a list. Someone must make a list of all the women who attend this gathering and photocopy it for everyone." Thanks to Chani, who took up the initiative, the Green Book was conceived.

About ten years ago, Shainy began organizing the Rosh Chodesh parties. When her family grew and her time was at a premium, she passed the job on to Tammy, who asked, "How many copies should I make?" "Oh, about 30-40." "But who should I put in? There are hundreds of English- speaking families here? Let's see. Who, here, has a computer and wants to work on this with me?" Suri, a newlywed, volunteered, and the work began.

In Adar, 5757, the very first Bnei Brak English directory came into being. "How did you get the names?" people asked. Well, we met them in the parks, in stores and just- like-that on the street.

"I hear you're speaking English. Would you like to be included in our directory? Where do you live?" We also worked with old lists and, boruch Hashem, the book was completed, herein known as the Green Book.

It was used for shiurim, shmiras haloshon, distributing free copies of Yated English, and many other things.

Everyone was really happy about it and wanted them to do it again. Corrections, changes and additions were made. New ads were accepted to pay for the publication costs, and off they went. The second Green Book is now available, revised and updated. To purchase your 5 shekel copy for personal use, call 03-618-5948 or 03-618-3893. And anyone interested in attending a Rosh Chodesh get-together, ask at one of the above numbers.

Nu - where are the Jerusalemite laggers? Anyone to take up the challenge? Many neighborhoods have N'Shei branches with listings. The Community Bulletin also has a large mailing list, and so does Yated English.

And if you're taking ads, this can become a source of parnossa for an enterprising young woman. All she needs is a phone and a computer and some go-getting energy.


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