Dei'ah Vedibur - Information &

A Window into the Chareidi World

11 Adar II, 5784 - March 21, 2024 | Mordecai Plaut, director Published Weekly










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A Special Letter from HaRav Dov Landau shlita to Bnei Yeshivos about Celebrating Purim This Year

by Yisroel Rosner


HaRav Lando's special letter addressed specifically to the yeshiva world, was received very emotionally as presented this past Monday "to holy yeshiva students, may Hashem watch over you."

It contains detailed guidelines for conduct to the Torah-devoted community regarding the coming Purim days, both in the positive aspect of 'do what is good' referring to continued special studies programs, and also the prohibitive aspect of veering away from what is not good so as to maximize what is best regarding proper conduct in fundraising for the respective yeshivos as is customary during the Purim season in Israel. It also dealt with the proper parameters of responsibility and good sense during wartime especially in light of the atmosphere of denouncement in the world at large against the yeshiva community.

Rabbenu opened his letter with a reminder of the charge, or amendment, of Torah leaders of the past generation which has been the accepted conduct in the yeshiva in recent years regarding maintaining set study periods on the eve and days of Purim. "Our rabbonim, HaRav Aharon Leib Shteinman; HaRav Gershon Edelstein, together with all the gedolim, established the need for consecutive study sessions throughout Purim, and their wish succeeded in very many Torah centers with established ongoing study periods of young men using these times to the fullest to elevate themselves in Torah, especially on the eves of Purim.:

He continued to sharpen his message, saying, "How great, necessary and honorable it is to carry on in the spirit blazed by our rabbonim to take the ultimate advantage of the Purim days by increasing [study for] many hours, since Torah study surpasses everything."

The letter goes on in which he hones a message of the proper behavior required by all yeshiva students during these days, where we all find ourselves in the midst of an ongoing war, in the light of the negative propaganda churned up against the yeshiva world. "And we hereby call upon the sanctified yeshiva students who customarily raise funds for their yeshivos and their special Tatim student aid organizations, not to venture beyond the chareidi concentrations, especially because of the situation reigning now, Hashem forfend, where the kitrug is virulent against us on the part of those who despise religion and Torah students.:

In his specific guidelines, he sharply warns: "And during these times, it behooves us to be doubly cautious not to stand out conspicuously so as not to be guilty of arousing the hatred of the [secular] public against us.

His poignant letter concludes with a message to our general public. "To our brethren Jews we plead: please be congenial to the Torah students and assist them by opening your hearts and hands in supporting Torah and its students. May Hashem duly bless us with all bounty, with luminance, joy, happiness and honor."

His candid words, which were immediately sent off to the bulk of yeshivos, aroused much response among the yeshiva community, especially regarding the proper conduct required during these troubled times. His words affected the bnei yeshiva in particular and all of Jewry in general, through the spirit of Torah and tradition as practiced during the years of exile, outlined by our Torah leaders throughout the ages and up to these very times.


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