Dei'ah Vedibur - Information &

A Window into the Chareidi World

13 Adar I, 5784 - February 22, 2024 | Mordecai Plaut, director Published Weekly










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The Controversy about Access to the Har Habayis on Ramadan (Adar II)

by Yitzchok Roth


This past Sunday, the Cabinet dealt for the first time the question of the upcoming month of Ramadan which will fall in three weeks' time. This month is notoriously difficult and dangerous since the Moslems regard it as an opportunity to give vent to their bloodthirsty natures.

Islam sees this month, in which its followers fast each day, as a sanctified month, one of brotherhood and celebration. This is how it is defined in the encyclopedia: "Moslems relate to this month as one of inner contemplation and heartfelt effort in self-improvement with an emphasis on modesty and containment. It is meant to be an atonement for sins, engagement in acts of mercy and empathy with [those suffering from] want and hunger experienced by the poor."

Indeed, this is not a joke! It is written black on white. And yet, each time it comes round, we are profoundly apprehensive of the imminent bloodshed of innocent people.

This year, the State of Israel finds itself embroiled in a war against Islamic terrorist gangs which, under the cover of their religion, perpetrated mass slaughter and crimes against humanity. We apprehensively anticipate that under the guise of religion and mass gatherings, the Moslems will fan the fire of Jew-hatred and incite mobs to erupt in mass pogroms as has occurred in the past.

There were years in which the security system curbed the number of pilgrims to the Jerusalem mosque to a certain age, trying to prevent incendiary youths from storming at the mosques. It will sadly be remembered that there were times when Arabs pelted the people below at the Kosel square with rocks, endangering the lives of the Jewish worshipers.

Minister Ben Gvir advised to limit the entry of Israeli Arabs to the Mount during Ramadan, while at the Security headquarters, they claim the these very limitations would present a very real security hazard.

Will Netanyahu knuckle down to Ben Gvir? Opinions are divided among the commentators within the same newspaper, one which is a leading voice against Netanyahu. One columnist writes: "Ben Gvir demanded limiting the entry of Israeli Arabs to Har Habayis during Ramadan, while other voices, [pirsumim] claim that Netanyahu did not accept that position and transferred the decision to the Security system. "

What are these 'pirsumim'? One need only turn the page of this newspaper to read what another columnist wrote: "Netanyahu has capitulated to the decision which no security body seeks to embrace, and agreed to Ben Gvir's proposal regarding limiting the ascent of Israeli Arabs to Har Habayis during Ramadan."

So did Netanyahu submit to Ben Gvir or did he accept the stand of the Security system? It depends on which column one reads or in which commentator one believes. It seems that even regarding simple facts, that of a pose or of a benighted worldview, all depends on how much you despise Netanyahu.


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