Dei'ah Vedibur - Information &

A Window into the Chareidi World

19 Teves, 5783 - January 12, 2023 | Mordecai Plaut, director Published Weekly










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Elections are the Best Survey

by Yitzchok Roth


It was predictable. For a year and a half, quiet reigned at the town squares. The government of change and debasement, trampled upon every democratic norm. They abused the public whereby tens of thousands of families decelerated past the poverty line. They categorically ignored half of the population and they established a bloated government in all directions, its members appointing family members to all kinds of 'jobs' at the expense of the taxpayer. They brazenly and scandalously broke promises. They signed a surrender agreement without the sanction of significant public figures, and all was quiet.

As long as that government was in power, the media took a break so as not to expose any irregularities and so as to allay the public doubts of the government having stolen its power clandestinely. They may have known that the day of reckoning would arrive with the coming of the Right to power, and prepared for such a storm.

Perhaps it is not a planned policy that the stock of essays, threats and curses deal only with one side of the political map and that the lazy ones in the media were lax to exert themselves to change their regular diatribes against the Right.

But it came after all, perhaps sooner than expected. The devious government collapsed thunderously, making way for the Right-Chareidi government, one which, to great astonishment and surprise, made promises which they are now beginning to keep. It does not lie, does not deceive, doesn't say one thing before elections and do the other thing afterwards.

It is a government which received a national mandate to do certain things, and it has begun keeping its promises, no more and no less. This is why they called for elections, and why its representatives receive the public vote. How ridiculous are those surveys which ask the public if they endorse the steps being taken by the present government, especially in the area of the judicial system, only to discover that there is a large percent among the voters for the Coalition parties who do not support these steps.

Why is this so preposterous? Because only about two months ago, an even bigger and more accurate survey was made, not among several hundred people who are questionably an honest sampling but from the six million Israelis. This survey was made upon those very topics. The results left no doubt that the decisive majority of the Israeli public supports the changes which the present government is making. Everything was up and above board. No subversive brainwashing of the voters was attempted as by the previous government. The release of surveys made weeks after the biggest survey of all, is merely a part of the subterfuge and media deception which cannot absorb the new reality of Israeli democracy which can be defined as: "We made promises and are keeping them."


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