Dei'ah Vedibur - Information &

A Window into the Chareidi World

1 Nisan, 5780 - March 26, 2020 | Mordecai Plaut, director Published Weekly










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My Take on the Coronavirus — Covid-19

by Mordecai Plaut

(Caution: This is a work in progress and is subject to change, even radical change, without prior notice.)

The world makes sense, since it is run by the Ribono Shel Olam. We cannot always see the reasons for things, but we are right to search for reasons since we know they are there.

No one who is anchored in the eternal values of Torah can have any doubt that modern society is broadly and deeply flawed. The attitudes and behavior that are promoted and admired in almost all areas of basic society are thoroughly immoral.

The basic human commitment (that is shared by the entire animal world) to have children and to settle the world is ignored and the biological machinery given by the Ribono Shel Olom to achieve these ends is perverted and used only for narcicisstic and hedonistic ends. Vatishocheis ho'oretz lifnei ho'Elokim.

The economic system is full of corruption. The most respectable companies and individuals are caught in lies and cheating. The moral restraints that could check the appetite of the players are eroded by the widespread breakdown of arayos so that the subtle and difficult to detect abuses are rampant. The tragedy of the commons is repeated in many areas as every one is just out for himself. Vatimolei ho'oretz chomos. (See commentary of HaRav Shamshon Rafael Hirsch on this verse.)

How is the korona plague connected to all this?

The true basis, the real bedrock of the world, is moral and spiritual. This is the point of the famous Ramban at the end of parshas Bo: "One has no part in the Torah of Moshe Rabbenu until we believe that everything of ours and that happens to us are all miracles with no nature or normal conduct of the world, whether at the individual or the communal level. Rather if one does mitzvos his reward will give him success, and if he violates the mitzvos his punishment will destroy him. It is all by Heavenly decree..."

One consequence of this is that the world does not just run on its own. There is no inertia to it. The whole world, including the atheists and the believers, still need merits to continue along their paths, whatever they may be.

It seems, tragically and unfortunately, that the merits of society these days are minimal.

The korona virus has totally disrupted normal life. It is, in my opinion, a very strong message that the world cannot continue indefinitely along the corrupted and dissolute path that it has followed for a long time.

What is the message to us as believing and observant Torah Jews?

I do not think I am the best one to determine this. But as a start I suggest thinking about the difference between Yisroel and the Nations of the world. Maybe also studying Tanach.

(I hope to continue...)


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