Dei'ah veDibur - Information & Insight

A Window into the Chareidi World

12 Teves 5769 - January 8, 2009 | Mordecai Plaut, director Published Weekly










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Jewish Communities Around the World Organize Pro-Israel Demonstrations

by Yated Ne'eman Staff

Around the world Jewish communities and Israel supporters have organized events to voice support for the IDF's Operation Cast Lead in Gaza and to show solidarity with southern residents living under daily rocket attacks. In various places special gatherings are also being held to pray for the safety of Israeli soldiers and residents and for the success of the operation.

Meanwhile Muslims have been organizing mass protests with blatant displays of their hostility toward Israel and have even attacked Jewish institutions outside of Israel.

Pro-Israel demonstrations were held in Melbourne, Toronto, New York and other locations.

In Melbourne some 600 people took part in a demonstration in support of Operation Cast Lead in response to a 3,000-strong demonstration where most of the protesters were Arabs. The pro-Israel demonstration was held in a "quiet and refined" manner outside the Australian Parliament Building, where most of the participants were young men wearing yarmulkes, calling out slogans in condemnation of terror and singing "Am Yisroel Chai." They tried to convey to reporters the message that "Israel has the right to defend itself." Passing drivers honked in support. After only 45 minutes police dispersed the crowd, claiming they had to protect the participants from the ire of the Arabs nearby.

In Toronto a counter-demonstration was also held in response to a gathering by sonei Yisroel. Hundreds of police on foot and horseback were needed to keep the two sides apart. As a result of the encounter between the two sides, downtown traffic came to a halt.

Last weekend a major pro-Israel demonstration was also held in New York to counter a protest by Muslims and Hamas supporters.

In Miami Beach 1,500 people, mostly Jews from all parts of south Florida, turned out for a demonstration at the Holocaust Memorial Site. The event was notable for the dozens of bikers sporting pro-Israel stickers on their expensive motorcycles. A counter-demonstration was held nearby.

Last week spontaneous pro-Israel demonstrations formed outside the Israeli consulates in Boston and New York.

In Antwerp 500 members of the local Jewish community took part in a gathering to pray for Eretz Yisroel.


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