Dei'ah veDibur - Information & Insight

A Window into the Chareidi World

1 Kiselv 5767 - November 22, 2006 | Mordecai Plaut, director Published Weekly










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Home and Family

Inspirational pieces by the author of inspiration books
Avrohom Tzvi Schwartz


You need help. You have a problem, and you need to know what to do — you need to know the next step. You need advice that is good, advice you can follow with confidence — that you may do what you need to do, and then move one. Think then, for a moment. Who is the best person available to help you? You need specific advice, preferably from one reliable source. Look carefully, exclusively, for the best. Now, approach this person, or make an appointment to reach him or her. Frame your question thoughtfully, accurately. Ask it respectfully. You do not want to impress the person who is helping you — you want only to hear Their advice. Listen carefully. Make sure you hear it properly. Think it over. Be certain that you understand. Say a prayer that you should succeed. Now do it... Then — once you do what you need to do — pray what you need to pray — you may rest, relax. There is no more to do, so you may leave it alone. You may move on to your next project.


To have nothing. To have everything. What's the difference between complaining and being hungry? Both of them result from a lack. Still, complaining is negative, bad — while hunger is positive, good. Imagine, having no appetite — you would never enjoy a single meal. Imagine never hungering for an article of clothing or a new electronic gadget — you would never buy anything new. Even if you received it as a gift, you would have no pleasure from it. Imagine, having no hunger for life — you may as well be dead. Therefore, the fact that we are lacking, that we are hungry is good, excellent, a superb asset. How stupid are we then to complain, to moan, to rage, about all we are missing in life. We must know that hunger and only hunger adds flavor and spice, and allows us to enjoy the pleasures of life.


How hungry should we be? According to our equation, the hungrier we are, the more pleasure we have when we fill that hunger. There is however, another reason to be hungry. For, then we strive in a full, rich way to reach our goals. This hunger we call ambition — and the greater it is, the greater are our chances of success, of victory. Like a bow, the more you pull back its cord, the further it shoots the arrow. In prayer, this is also true. The more urgent our prayer — the more intense, the more pressing — the sooner it is answered - - "and they cried to Hashem in their pain, from their distress He saved them." Curiously then, to have pleasure, we must first suffer. We cannot be happy, unless we have deficiencies and unfulfilled desires.


Don't hunger for chocolates only. After four or five of them, their good taste disappears. Similarly, don't hunger for houses and holidays only. Hunger instead for great, lofty goals, Heavenly dreams — pleasures that are endless. We need to know which appetites to encourage and which to avoid. To pursue the wrong goals is expensive. They rob us of time and energy, of our money and our thoughts — and in the end, they lead us to nowhere. Imagine traveling to a destination for 35 years, and then discovering that it's the wrong one. What a heartache! What a waste. We need hunger in our lives, even great hunger. But at the same time, we must hunger for the right things. And if we think about it — just a little more - - we will know that the "right things" are of a spiritual nature, and not of the material, physical sort.


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