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10 Shevat 5766 - February 8, 2006 | Mordecai Plaut, director Published Weekly










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Did YOU Know — Arthritis, Allergies, Hyperactivity in Adults
by Dr. Reuven Bruner, Ph.D.

The natural supplements glucosamine and chondroitin appear to beat the leading prescription drug for very painful forms of arthritis, according to a study sponsored by the US National Institutes of Health.

Looking at nearly 1,200 patients with osteoarthritis of the knee, the two alternative remedies failed to offer much help. But in smaller group of patients with moderate to severe pain, about 79 percent of those who took both supplements experienced relief, compared to 69 percent of those who took Celebrex. The natural duo was also better than taking either supplement alone.

What is clear is that proper/specific physical activity and losing weight are the safest and most effective route for pain relief.


An allergy is when your body sees an ordinary substance as foreign. And because it sees the substance as foreign, it does anything it can to combat it.

It's an inherited tendency, but you don't specifically inherit allergy to things like penicillin, or an allergy to grass pollen. You inherit a general tendency of the immune system to overreact.

When the immune system does overreact and cause allergy, the allergy patient makes too much of a substance called, allergic antibody. We call it IgE antibody. It's a protein in the blood.

In the case of grass pollen, you'll have too much of it in your nose. So when grass pollen enters, it'll bind with this allergy protein, which releases a lot of chemicals. Most people are familiar with one, histamine. It also induces a lot of itching eyes, itching nose, and sneezing. And if you breathe it down into the chest, you very easily get asthma.

If you breathe in a great deal or, more commonly, you take something by mouth — such as a medicine or get an injection — you can have a whole body reaction that really can be life- threatening. This we call anaphylaxis.

Hyperactivity in Adults

It's a common notion that attention deficit hyperactivity disorder is a problem that mostly affects children. But increasingly the syndrome is being recognized and treated in adults. Although the exact prevalence in adults is unknown, epidemiologic studies thus far reveal that the condition, marked by inattentiveness, difficulty getting work done, procrastination, or organization problems, probably exists in about 2-4 percent of adults. The condition persists to adulthood in about half of children diagnosed with the disorder.

Contact R. Brunner at: POB 1903, Jerusalem, 91314, Israel; Tel: (02) 652-7684; Mobile: 052 2865-821; Fax: (02) 652- 7227; Email:


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