Dei'ah veDibur - Information & Insight

A Window into the Chareidi World

12 Adar II 5765 - March 23, 2005 | Mordecai Plaut, director Published Weekly









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Home and Family

Free for All
by P. Chovav

At first, when R' Noach Schwartzbergendrowitz picked up the receiver and heard the friendly voice of R' Gershon Tziperstein on the other end, he innocently thought that he was again going to ask him to sign as guarantor for a short- term dollar loan. But the request did not materialize.

After a series of routine courteous questions, there came another series, and after that, another string of them, with nary a mention about signing on a loan.

"So what's new by you?" asked Tziperstein after a few more minutes of inane conversation. "What's doing? Tell me something, what's happening? How are things? What's up? Is everything O.K. by you?"

Something sounded fishy to Schwartzbergendrowitz. Something was strange, he said to himself. Tziperstein never blabbed foolishly like this, on and on, one prime reason being that he couldn't afford to talk and talk endlessly.

"Tell me, Tzipke, what's happened to you? What are all these questions about? Is everything alright by YOU?"

"Of course! Everything is absolutely fine. Why are you asking?"

"Why am I asking? Because here we are, gabbing and gabbing and you still haven't told me why you called!"

"Oh, for no particular reason at all. Why do you think I have an ulterior purpose?"

"If you have no reason to call, so what's the reason that you called? Isn't it a pity for the money?"

"That's the whole thing!" replied Tziperstein exuberantly. "It isn't costing me a cent! I've just joined a special service called `From seven to seven.' I can talk as much as I like from seven p.m. till seven a.m. A great deal, don't you think? It certainly pays, no?"

"I guess it pays. But how much can a person talk?"

"How much? Aha! I can talk to you all night until morning without paying a cent. The more I talk, the more I gain! Tell me, Nach'che, what did I want to tell you? Why are you so quiet, there? Tell me, have you heard anything lately? What's going on? What's new? What's up?"

"Nothing, really."

"You haven't heard any update on the situation?"

"What situation?"

"Err, the situation... Never mind. Oh, I just remembered. Tell me, at what time do they close the ... what is it again? Nu? What's it called? Oh, never mind. Oh, yes, I did want to ask you. Tell me, what do you say — do you think that the weather will be nice this weekend?"

"Why are you asking?"

"Oh, didn't I tell you? We're going away to a hotel for Shabbos. They have this fantastic deal on now. A great package deal, all inclusive. You can eat as much as you want, all on the house. As much as you can eat! Just think of it! Without adding a single cent. It's all included in the price. If you like, you can even eat ten meals a day and no one will say a thing! On the contrary, they keep on offering you this and that, food, hot drinks, cold drinks, malt beer and regular beer. And it's all for free! You know what? Two days in a hotel — and you can eat enough for a whole week! No exaggeration! As much as you can possibly put down. The more you eat, the more you gain!"

"You can say that again. But what about your diet? I don't understand you. How many times have you told me that you go walking every evening because you've got to lose some weight? What's going to be with all the kilos you've already lost? You can gain them all back in one shot, no?"

"Only those?" retorts Tziperstein enthusiastically. "Besides those, I can add on another two or three kilo like nothing! Don't you understand what I'm telling you? Here you are in a hotel and you can eat all day. And you know what? If you feel like, they even serve a fleishige meal at twelve at night! Let me tell you, no other hotel offers a deal as great as that!"

"B-but it's not healthy!"

"Healthy, shmelthy. Who cares? And to talk for hours on the phone is healthy? You can't grab the whole world in one shot. Either you seize an opportunity, or you lose out. You can't dance at all the chasunas at once. I'll have enough time later to go back to my diet."


Friday morning at the hotel. It's five fifty-five. Tziperstein is sleeping peacefully, having taken full advantage of the hotel's offer of "It's All Included in the Price," including a diner's delight of a meaty midnight meal.

Suddenly, the phone by his bedside rings. Tziperstein awakens with a start. Who could be calling him so early in the morning?

"Hello? Is that the Tzipersteins? Good morning. Please receive a call," the desk clerk informs him with typical hotel politeness.

"Hello? Who's there?" asks R' Gershon impatiently.

"Abba? Hello, Abba," answers a sweet voice. It's eight-year- old Yanky Tziperstein.

"What's the matter, Yanky?" Tziperstein can hardly get the words out of his mouth from fear. "Is everything alright? Tell me, quickly."

"There's nothing to tell, Abba. Everything's fine. How are things by you? How's the hotel? How's the food?"

"I don't understand, Yanky. Why are you calling so early in the morning?"

"It's all because of your friend, Schwartzbergendrowitz. He called last night and said that if we get up real early in the morning and call the hotel, you'd be very happy, because it doesn't cost us any money..."

Is this what Chazal had in mind when they said "A word for a coin, silence for two"?


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