Dei'ah veDibur - Information & Insight

A Window into the Chareidi World

28 Adar I 5765 - March 9, 2005 | Mordecai Plaut, director Published Weekly









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Home and Family

Your Medical Questions Answered!
by Joseph B. Leibman, MD

About nursing homes. Elderly, infirm or senile people are difficult to take care off and can lead to a lot of guilt feelings as well as overwhelming resources and needs — both emotional and physical — to deal with them. Hiring foreign workers is sometimes an option, but this is not always viable for some families and isn't cheap. Nursing homes, as in most countries, are expensive [but generally cheaper than in America].

The care is extremely variable. There is a specialty called geriatrics, but it hasn't attracted many quality physicians, and many places just use doctors who have no special training at all. Nursing staffs do tend to be better. Very careful research must be done before deciding on which facility to choose.

One other medical question to ask is: Do these places transfer patients to the emergency department at the drop of a hat? This is incompetent and makes for many technical problems, as well as exposure to hospital bacteria. Also ensure that the place is clean, airy, and well maintained. Activities for seniors should be available as well as a strong physiotherapy department.

Heart attacks are often misdiagnosed. Elderly people and people with diabetes often have very vague symptoms and many people put off chest pain and do not even come to the hospital.

Chest pain from a heart attack can also present as only shortness of breath, indigestion or abdominal pain. Pain that goes into the arm, or arm tingling, are especially suggestive. Do not take chances. Get an EKG and find out where the good cardiology centers are. I will just say that in the middle of the country the competition in cardiology is intense and many centers give excellent care around the clock. Write me in care of the Yated or at

A message from GlaxoSmithKline, sponsor of this column. Fastest migraine relief is available through Imitrex's nasal spray where it is quickly absorbed and works immediately and well. Carry it with you - because the faster you use it, the more likely you can stop migraine in its tracks.


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