Dei'ah veDibur - Information & Insight

A Window into the Charedi World

27 Tammuz 5765 - August 3, 2005 | Mordecai Plaut, director Published Weekly










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Shema Yisrael Torah Network
Shema Yisrael Torah Network


I Thought They were Just Burglars — Says Israeli Jew Who Drove Netanya Suicide Bomber into Israel
by M Plaut and Yated Ne'eman Staff

The Shin Bet security service has detained a Jewish, 25-year- old resident of Ramat Gan, on suspicion that he helped Palestinian terrorists carry out a suicide bombing that killed five Israelis last month in Netanya, by driving the bomber and his handler past a checkpoint into Israel.

Betzedek Says that Modi'in is Not Authorized to Close Chareidi School
By Betzalel Kahn

Following attempts by the local authority to prevent the setup of a Torah-based school, Betzedek, a legal advocacy organization, recently warned the City of Modi'in that the local authority does not have the power to enforce the closure of "recognized but unofficial" schools while prioritizing official schools. Modi'in is the largest urban unit in the area of Modi'in Illit, but it is politically separate.

Prisons Service Prepared to Accommodate 900 Disengagement Arrests
by Eliezer Rauchberger

The Prisons Service is prepared to accommodate the arrests of 900 people during the Disengagement process, 500 at Maassiyahu Jail and 400 at Dekel, according to a report by Prisons Service Commissioner Commander Yaakov Ganot.

Degel HaTorah Meets with Prime Minister to Demand Implementation of Coalition Agreement
By B. Kahn and G. Lazer

Degel HaTorah MKs Deputy Welfare Minister Rabbi Avrohom Ravitz and Party Chairman Rabbi Moshe Gafni met with Prime Minister Ariel Sharon on Monday for an extended working meeting during which Sharon instructed his staff to immediately tend to a long series of issues raised by the two Degel HaTorah representatives.

City of Jerusalem to Continue Cutting Salaries
By Betzalel Kahn

As part of its recovery program signed with the workers' organization and the Histadrut, the City of Jerusalem has decided to continue deducting the "growth encouragement" from municipal workers' salaries until the end of 2005.

Betzedek Demands Kiryat Gat Close Businesses on Shabbos
By Betzalel Kahn

Betzedek has demanded that the City of Kiryat Gat enforce the closure of leisure facilities and businesses operating on Shabbos within its jurisdiction, particularly businesses in the city's new shopping mall.

Shemiras Haloshon Shiurim Across the Country During Bein Hametzorim
by Yated Ne'eman Staff

Gedolei Yisroel are calling on Jews everywhere to bolster their studies of hilchos shemiras haloshon, particularly during the Bein Hametzorim period, as a tikkun to the sins of loshon hora and rechilus, which led to the destruction of Beis Hamikdosh.

Summer is Snake Season
by R. Collins and Yated Ne'eman Staff

Summer is snake season in Israel and around the world. While snakes are not common in built-up areas, they are sometimes found. Also many people spend time in less settled areas in the summer, especially during bein hazmanim.

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