Dei'ah veDibur - Information & Insight

A Window into the Chareidi World

22 Sivan 5765 - June 29, 2005 | Mordecai Plaut, director Published Weekly










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Shema Yisrael Torah Network

Opinion & Comment
Elokim Always Seeks the Pursued

by HaRav A. Sofer

On 25 Nisan the Hebrew edition of Yated Ne'eman published the following public announcement: "In light of malicious rumors we hereby clarify that the fish store named the `Fish Center' on Raavad Street, Bnei Brak, belonging to R' Dovid G., is under our supervision (Shearis Yisroel)."

Since I am personally acquainted with R' Dovid G. and know him to be an upright person I decided to investigate the sources of these "malicious rumors." I discovered that a certain group goes from store to store pressuring and threatening the store owners to leave the Shearis Yisroel hechsher, and even promises them great benefits if they place the kashrus supervision of their store under another kashrus organization.

If that had been the extent of the campaign, I would have remained silent, but they also spread rumors that the "Fish Center" suspended any connection with Shearis Yisroel. Consequently those responsible for these rumors caused irreparable damage to the store owner.

Since it is well known that the community of bnei Torah following the guidance of Maran HaRav Eliezer Man Shach ztvk'l only purchase products that are under the Shearis Yisroel hechsher, these slanderers caused a loss of livelihood to R' Dovid G. In addition to the issur of loshon hora and rechilus, there is also gezel involved in such "rumors."

It was quite evident that the fish store owner was helpless to prevent a loss to his parnossoh, and of course could not summon anonymous slanderers to a din Torah. The only resort left to him was to have Shearis Yisroel publish an announcement refuting those rumors. Indeed afterward someone showed me that this misinformation about the fish store appeared in a local newspaper of parshas Metzora, 5765, in which C. Schif wrote the following: "Not only are ... leaving Shearis, even the fish store located on Raavad Street an area of strong Ponovezh influence has left Shearis this week."

Now this really astonishes me! Since the name of the newspaper and writer of that article are known to all, why was the Shearis Yisroel kashrus organization content with merely publicizing that newspaper announcement disproving the misleading rumors? Why did they not outright sue the editor and writer in beis din for spreading misinformation that harmed the livelihood of a precious Jew? Furthermore, who permitted this group to drag that Jew into any campaign whose aims and motives are well known?

When I expressed my shock from all of the above to a friend familiar with this problem, he replied: "Aren't you aware that for a number of months that newspaper has circulated false accusations for the purpose of causing Shearis as much damage as possible?" He showed me several examples such as the Sha'ah Tovah report that the manufacturers of the Crystal soft drinks severed any connection with Shearis, when the opposite is true...or what they wrote that one of the Shearis Yisroel rabbonim is leaving the kashrus organization although there was not an iota of truth in that, or that the Willifood Company abandoned Shearis when the truth is that it was Shearis that annulled its contract with that company when they saw that this company violated their kashrus instructions.

(It is only fitting to point out that two separate senior workers in the Head Rabbinate Kashrus Department called up the Shearis Yisroel office and told them: "We are extremely grieved that after you removed your kashrus supervision because of the disregard of your instructions, another kashrus committee awarded them a hechsher without even verifying what had happened and what the reasons were for removing the original kashrus supervision.")

He showed me various other examples of both fabricated statements and perverted stories such as what was publicized about the Willifood Company. It is, however, impossible to specify any details in order to protect the honor of those signing on the new kashrus certificate of products previously disqualified by Shearis Yisroel.

My friend sighed and afterwards remarked: "If the public could only discern between what is the truth and what appears to be the truth, things would be much different." At any rate, what is for sure is that local newspaper functions as an organ by which that group whose objective is to do away with what Shearis expresses itself. One question however still bothered me. What is motivating that newspaper and this group, and what is the ideology dictating them to follow this objective? What is the ideological common denominator linking these people together?

While conversing with my friend, he leafed through issues of that newspaper and it seems that unintentionally we found the solution. In the erev Pesach issue it published an article by Yaakov Gold and C. Schif under the title "Shearis is Still in a Turmoil." In that article, the writers reviewed a new "pamphlet" printed by that group. From that article it is evident that the dominant theme of that pamphlet is that the name of Maran HaRav E.M. Shach ztvk'l should be published without the title of Maran.

An additional message, also readily seen and emphasized strongly, of that pamphlet is that today absolutely no one can be titled Maran. This seems to be the goal shared by all members of that group: the central motif of this group made up of diverse types of people is the aim to erase the tradition that Maran HaRav E.M. Shach ztvk'l bequeathed to bnei Torah, or in other words to "free" the public from what the title Maran obligates them to do.

As far as Sha'ah Tovah is concerned, this is quite understandable since what this type of weekly newspaper and certain "religious" radio stations have in common is the mixing of kedushoh and tumah, preaching nationalistic and secular ideologies together with publishing pictures of Chassidic Rebbes and reporting about current chareidi events.

This shatnez concoction was adequately described in the article of N. Zeevi in the Hebrew Yated Ne'eman of 24 Nisan under the title: "The New Chareidim." In that article Zeevi writes that secular academics pinned this brand name to those weeklies that appear as chareidi, but are actually only outwardly chareidi and inwardly are not so at all. They enthusiastically adopt for themselves every secular norm that enables them to feel like a part of the secular public as long as they are not forced to remove their black yarmulke. Although they belong to the chareidi public, the yeshivah-educated or Chassidic circles, they insert an atmosphere of lightheadedness within the Chareidi public and advocate complete or at least partial identification with secular culture "values."

Zeevi writes: "In this way a dynamic of unavoidable deterioration has been created whose results cannot be foreseen." At the conclusion of the article the writer suggests calling these people "New Secularists" instead of "New Chareidim."

I, myself, am surprised as to why they should be called "new." Are they really new? This type of persons was in existence for thousands of years. The shatnez between the religious and the secular is a phenomenon from the time of the Tanach, as is written, "They feared Hashem but they worshiped their own gods as well, according to the practice of the nations from which they had been exiled" (II Melochim 17:33), and later in posuk 41 the Torah writes: "So these nations feared Hashem but worshiped their graven images. Also their children and children's children, as their forefathers had done, so do they do to this day."

The mere fact that a synthesis has been created between donning a black yarmulke and openness to secular values should outrage every Jew since this means that our sons and daughters are in tremendous danger from such a harmful influence. An average person cannot sense the spread of this poison, and someone caught in the net of these shatnez- oriented Jews will, Rachmono litzlan, eventually suffer immensely.

Maran the mashgiach of the Mir and Ponovezh Yeshivas, HaRav Yechezkel Levinstein ztvk'l, once commented that HaKodosh Boruch Hu afflicts people with cancerous growths to teach this generation a salient lesson: it is possible that someone can outwardly appear completely normal and healthy but inwardly he is destined to die within a short while. Likewise it is possible that a person can appear to be completely Torah-observant but in reality inside him blazes the fire of secularism, and, "Who will rise up for me against evildoers? Who will stand up for me against the doers of iniquity?" (Tehillim 94:16).

With his lofty spirit Maran HaRav E. M. Shach ztvk'l saw all this clearly. During his whole life he valiantly stood up against any breach in Yiddishkeit and warned against any occurrences of spiritual shatnez. The Rosh Yeshiva warned against attending "yeshiva type" institutions and ulpanot (higher educational institutions for religious studies) that did not completely conform to the way that our mentors laid out for us. He instructed us to distance ourselves from Chabad (Lubavitch) and not even to rely on their hechsher since they constitute a conduit for permeating the spirit of secularism within our camp.

Maran's steadfast aim was that bnei Torah who studied in the yeshivos hakedoshos should fuse into one community, one political party, one special newspaper and one unique kashrus organization. The Rosh Yeshiva maintained that through bnei Torah uniting in such a way we can guard and protect Judaism's spirit of purity since, when this community will be led by gedolei Torah, no one will be exposed to alien ideologies. Through bnei Torah becoming one consolidated unit we will be completely detached from those considered "a remnant (Shearis) of Am Yisroel" and those people and groups lacking a backbone who sway according to all alien evil winds that blow with great force. After Maran's petiroh contemporary gedolei Torah are continuing in that same derech, and with great caution are both fortifying the community framework and being on guard not to allow any detrimental powers harm our camp.

The course of action that Maran ztvk'l outlined for us is the antithesis of the objective that those "New Chareidim" are aiming at and trying to reach through their use of the means of mass communication that are at their disposal, such as newspapers, radio, etc. and public shows that are accompanied by journalistic efforts, such as for "Chassidic Singing Shows" and others. The joy that Sha'ah Tovah displayed after the "reduction in rank" done by the above pamphlet is therefore understandable.

The moment that they will succeed in "neutralizing" and annulling the legitimacy of the ideology that Maran the Rosh Yeshiva ztvk'l espoused, no one or nothing can stop them from attaining the objective of, "Let us cut their cords and let us cast off their ropes from ourselves" (Tehillim 2:3). The easiest and most efficient way of gaining this objective is decreasing the honor of Shearis Yisroel.

According to their plan the communal organization that Maran ztvk'l established will be abolished and everyone will readily accept newspapers, personalities and followers of all sorts of ideologies who embrace everything: nationalism, Torah-observance, Enlightenment, singing and sport idols. All the various institutions that affix a mezuzoh to their doors and devote a few hours to studying gemora will be kosher, including those with an educational program that includes academic subjects and anti-religious philosophies, etc.

The separation between the kodesh and the chol will be removed, the division between the Torah-observant and those who eat neveilos and treifos will disappear, and everyone will become "one nation." The process of assimilation and annihilation of Judaism will be accelerated. It will commence with their sporting payos and donning black yarmulkes, and will end up in the second generation with openly embracing secularism. This is in my opinion the ideology that is the motivation behind Sha'ah Tovah and the other newspapers of the "New Chareidim" whose objective was well defined by N. Zeevi.

As mentioned, they were fortunate that within the fortified walls of the Torah-Observant they found a group that will cooperate with them. Indeed we are not saying that this group belongs to the "New Chareidim," and it is very reasonable to presume that they have other incentives that are unknown to us, but nonetheless the goal is identical: to melt away and annul the constraints of a kehilloh organization of bnei Torah.

They too aspire that no one will be able to dictate how to act, and each person will act as he feels like. This was the method of the "Enlightened" who proclaimed: "Once upon a time the Rambam lived, once upon a time the Vilna Gaon lived, but who do we have today?" This also is the age-old approach of, "In those days there was no king in Yisroel; a man would do whatever seemed proper in his eyes" (Shofetim 17:6) or, "We have no part in Dovid and we have no heritage in the son of Yishai. Every man back to his tents" (II Shmuel 20:1).

"History repeats itself" is a famous and time-proven saying. The same rebellion, the same insurrection, is here but only the "man" involved has changed. Dear reader, please be frank and tell me, if any distinction can be made between "There was no king in Yisroel" and "There is no Maran in Yisroel?"

I am amazed why no one explains to the public the advantage of unity in a community underneath one leadership, and that this is the only way to guard against those harassing us. Even if someone has some suggestion as to what needs to be rectified, that surely does not permit him to destroy what has already been attained.

Some argue that it is difficult to explain to the public the advantage of communal unity. Indeed for sure not every person can comprehend the structure of public affairs, the essence of the danger we are confronted with, and the tactics of leadership. However, sometimes it is possible through minuscule examples to illustrate this, and I too, will cite such examples that on one hand demonstrate the enormous advantage of unity and on the other hand the tremendous disadvantage of lack of unity.

Chareidi Jewry is coping with the immense danger caused by unsupervised use of modern cellular phones. If the chareidim were a united community, everyone would have accepted the decisions made to cope with this danger without any getting around it and we would have long ago finished with this battle. All of our enemies would have seen that when Torah Jewry decides something they stand up together as one person. Perhaps such a phenomenon would even deter those who would in the future want to institute decrees against Jewish values and those loyal to them. Unfortunately, that is not what happened.

An opposite example happened when in the past one newspaper associated with the "New Chareidim" degraded a certain Chassidus. That Chassidus is organized as a splendid united and obedient community. They sought advice how to deal with this problem, organized many meetings within this community and numerous people protested opposite that newspaper editor's house in order to teach him a lesson so that he will put an end to his insolent reporting and spurious views.

They indeed succeeded and that person was forced to close down his newspaper and open a new one. In his new newspaper he found new victims, but he does not dare disturb that Chassidus anymore.

Here we have a small example that tangibly demonstrates the concept and benefit of communal organization, and according to this palpable example each one of us can readily understand how vital and important this idea is, and choliloh not to lend a hand to destroy what is sacred. With Hashem's help "they shall impart insight to those who go astray" (Musaf of Yomim Noraim) and will return to Hashem.

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