Dei'ah veDibur - Information & Insight

A Window into the Chareidi World

11 Adar 5764 - March 4, 2004 | Mordecai Plaut, director Published Weekly









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Shema Yisrael Torah Network
Shema Yisrael Torah Network











Bnei Brak Prepares to Prevent Acts of Hooliganism on Purim Night
by A. Cohen

The City of Bnei Brak and Dan District Police have agreed on special measures -- including hidden cameras -- to counter the harassment of city residents by outside hooligans that has plagued the city on Purim Night in recent years, say Bnei Brak officials.

The meeting was arranged as part of inquiries regarding incidents in previous years by youths who came to downtown Bnei Brak from the surrounding areas and even more distant places to throw firecrackers, harass and shove passersby and roam the streets boisterously all night. The city positioned paid guards and the police reinforced patrols, but these measures proved inadequate to contend with the large number of youths who came to disturb the peace.

Based on a directive by Mayor Rabbi Yissochor Frankentahl, several leading city officials were summoned to a meeting, including City Secretary and Spokesman Avrohom Tanenbaum, Mayor's Assistant Attorney Yair Chassiel, Emergency Services Department Director Mr. Chaim Nogelblatt, Inspection Department Director Mr. David Azoulai and City Parking Authority Administrative Director Mr. Ido Stockhammer. Police officials in attendance included Dan Region Headquarters Commander Chief Superintendent Ofer Shuster, Regional Licensing Commander Superintendent Yaron Golan and District Operations Commander Chief Inspector Eli Cohen. HaRav Shlomo Levenstein of Mishmeres Hachinuch Vehakodesh was also on hand.

Measures formulated during the meeting included installing hidden cameras on streets where unruly youths have congregated in previous years, boosting police presence and hiring special reinforcements. City rabbonim will call on city residents to avoid the streets on Purim Night to deprive the youths of potential victims.

The meeting also addressed legal steps and informational drives to prevent the sale of firecrackers and explosive materials to children in stores and by street vendors, who have been known to promote the sale of explosive materials in school yards.

Avrohom Tanenbaum said that based on injuries among children around the country in past years and even in recent weeks, it has been decided to reinforce the number of police detective patrols and city inspections in order to seek out and confiscate these goods and to file reports against vendors.

HaRav Shmuel Halevy Wosner, HaRav Nissim Karelitz and the city's other rabbonim have exhorted parents to prevent their children from using firecrackers, the use of which borders on pikuach nefesh, saying it is also a mitzvah to report firecracker sellers to the police. The city also called on residents to report the sale or distribution of dangerous items in stores or in the streets to the city hotline or the police hotline.


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