Dei'ah veDibur - Information & Insight

A Window into the Chareidi World

26 Shevat 5764 - February 18, 2004 | Mordecai Plaut, director Published Weekly









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Shema Yisrael Torah Network
Shema Yisrael Torah Network











Yeshiva Knesset Mordechai
by Yated Ne'eman Staff

The township of Maoz Zion is a few minutes drive from Jerusalem. Unlike the Holy City which is permeated with Torah study, and abounds in yeshivos, botei midrash and the numerous bnei Torah who live there, the lifestyle of the ten thousand residents of Maoz Zion has been extremely remote from that holiness.

Although most of the residents of Maoz Zion come from families that were originally Torah and mitzva observant, because of the rampant permissiveness among secular Jewish youth, when walking the streets of the township it is hard to believe that they were once connected to tradition.

As there is no local Torah center to act as a barrier against the ill winds, the ongoing deterioration is sweeping up more families, particularly the youngsters.

Now, a godol beTorah with a warm heart and great sensitivity to the spiritual situation, HaRav Eliyahu Borer, decided, following consultations with gedolei Yisroel, to set up a yeshiva named Knesset Mordechai in order to promote Torah dissemination.

The crown of Knesset Mordechai is the yeshiva gedoloh, which began with a handful of students and has seen a rapid growth in enrollment. The students enjoy full dormitory facilities.

The spiritual development of the students is remarkable, taking into account their socioeconomic and spiritual background.

The students receive food, clothing and all other personal necessities, and above all a warm relationship with a highly experienced faculty and they reach a high standard of proficiency that compares well with any other Torah institute.

The students do not pay fees and the yeshiva does not receive either government or municipal support. The income is provided by generous private donations.

Knesset Mordechai is also involved in providing spiritual activities for the local residents, including shiurim and gatherings to promote Judaism.

The yeshiva faculty is composed of the rosh yeshiva HaRav Eliyahu Borer, a graduate of Ponovezh and Mir yeshivos who has a close relationship with the gedolei Yisroel, HaRav Noach Hefetz, himself one of the first students of Ponovezh and one of the leading marbitzei Torah in the country, and HaRav Zvi Tal one of the outstanding students of Mir.

The yeshiva is named after Rav Mordechai Borer zt'l, the grandfather of the rosh yeshiva. Rav Mordechai was a unique personality, a godol beTorah umussar, one of the last rabbonim in Germany, a graduate of the Berlin Rabbinical Seminary and one of the outstanding talmidim of prewar Telz yeshiva.

Rav Mordechai served as rov of Gailingen and Randek in southern Germany and showed enormous mesiras nefesh after the Nazis came to power. He endangered himself constantly in helping Jews to flee Germany to Switzerland.

Kristallnacht brought an end to his communal endeavors, when he was arrested and sent to the infamous Dachau concentration camp where he died.

The yeshiva is a perpetuation of his memory and the memory of the Gailingen and Randek communities.


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