Dei'ah veDibur - Information & Insight

A Window into the Chareidi World

26 Shevat 5764 - February 18, 2004 | Mordecai Plaut, director Published Weekly









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A Source of Brocho
by Chaim Arbeli

Thanks to VeHogiso, a new organization that promotes the in- depth study of hilchos Shabbos, Shabbos has become a source of brochoh in many Torah homes. Confirming this statement, a young avreich relates: "Now that I have begun to study the halachos of Shabbos in depth, I feel like a new person, and Shabbos in my home has taken on new dimensions. It is more qualitative, more befitting Shabbos Hamalka."

But this statement should come as no surprise to us, since as the Chofetz Chaim writes: "Shabbos is a segulah for all types of blessing. There is no better tzeida lederech a person about to establish a Jewish home can take with him [than the proper and meticulous observance of Shabbos]."

The very fact that Eretz Yisroel's most illustrious rabbonim, among them HaRav Chaim Pinchos Scheinberg, rosh yeshivas Torah Ohr, HaRav Dovid Cohen rosh yeshiva of Chevron, HaRav Refoel Shmuelevitz, rosh yeshiva of Mir, HaRav Yaakov Hillel, rosh yeshiva of Ahavas Shalom, HaRav Yehoshua Eichenstein, rosh yeshiva of Yad Aharon, and HaRav Osher Weiss -- participated in a gala Melave Malka on behalf of this organization, testifies to its vital importance. The heartfelt praises heaped on it by HaRav Yosef Sholom Eliashiv and HaRav Aharon Yehuda Leib Steinman, confirm its importance.

Although we heard about VeHogiso's activities over a year ago, at that time its initiator and director, HaRav Nochum Kastner, a ram in the Mirrer yeshiva, refused to be interviewed. When we asked him to explain the reason for his refusal, he replied, "Brochoh rests only on what is hidden from the eye."

This year though, VeHogiso's pressing, nearly unbearable financial burden made it imperative for him to inform the public of its remarkable activities. Eager to learn more about an organization with such an astounding record of zikui horabim, we approached HaRav Kastner for details.

What is VeHogiso?

It is an organization which sponsors a two-and-a-quarter-year program during which yeshiva and kollel students study hilchos Shabbos in-depth, as they are presented in Mishnah Berurah Part Three.

How did the program begin?

About five years ago, a number of students in Mir asked me to conduct a study group on hilchos Shabbos, during a break between the yeshiva's regular sessions. As we advanced in our studies, I discerned that the students had gained amazing mastery of the most complex halochos, and had become even more proficient in this area than many prominent avreichim.

Soon the idea began to spread, and students from other yeshivos asked if we could arrange shiurim for them too.

At that point, we appointed qualified ramim in every yeshiva who would deliver shiurim in hilchos Shabbos to interested students and would also test them.

Do these shiurim interfere with the regular schedules of the respective yeshivos?

As a ram, I am fully aware of the importance of maintaining strict study schedules. These shiurim take place during breaks between sedorim, and in no way interfere with the regular gemora study sessions. The shiurim meet half an hour a day.

How much material is covered in these shiurim? On what do they focus?

At they end of the week, the participants are tested on two and a half pages of Mishnah Berurah. One of the participants serves as the head of the group, and prior to the test he delivers a summarizing shiur. We begin these shiurim with a study of the roots of the halachos, and then proceed to analyze all of their practical ramifications, including issues and questions involving modern day problems and advanced technology.

How many students participate in these shiurim?

Today, 600 students from all over the country participate in these shiurim.

Do they receive scholarships?


How much does it cost to run this program?

50,000 shekels a month.

How can interested students apply for admission?

Hundreds are already waiting to be admitted, but sadly we still can't accommodate them all, due to our dire financial situation.

Do you sponsor other activities?

Yes. This year VeHogiso issued a special calendar, which presents the main halachos of Shabbos in a clear and succinct manner. We were inspired to produce this calendar by Maran HaRav Elozor Man Shach's practice of studying two hilchos Shabbos at each meal. Interspersed in the calendar are scores of sayings of Chazal on the merits of studying Shabbos.

How many of these calendars have you distributed this year?


Have you any special message to relay to potential supporters of this program?

Someone once asked the Steipler Rav how to atone for chillul Shabbos. He replied, "By studying hilchos Shabbos." I think that whoever joins such a group or supports it, has performed a tikkun for his soul. These halachos are so intricate and all-encompassing, that it is impossible for anyone who has not thoroughly mastered them, to observe them perfectly.

Some Ma'amorei Chazal from the Calendar:

"Caution to avoid violating any of the prohibitions pertaining to the 39 melochos on Shabbos is the best tikkun possible" (Chazon Ish).

"The tefillos of Shabbos do not return empty, and are accepted with the same grace as the prayers of Aseres Yemei Teshuva" (Tikkunei Zohar, Shabbos Malkeso).

"Tsnius is the body of the Nation, Torah the heart of the Nation, Shabbos the neshomoh of the Nation" (Chofetz Chaim).

A Story

One Shabbos, Maran HaRav Elozor Man Shach took a walk near the outskirts of Bnei Brak. Suddenly he asked the student accompanying him: "Why are cars driving down this road on Shabbos?"

"That road is on the border of Ramat Gan, too," the student explained.

To this Maran replied: "That's not the reason. The influence of those who sanctify Shabbos takes effect up to this road. If Shabbos observance were strengthened, this influence would increase and no one would drive on this road either."


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