Dei'ah veDibur - Information & Insight

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26 Shevat 5764 - February 18, 2004 | Mordecai Plaut, director Published Weekly









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U.S. demands Israel Coordinate Pullout with PA
by Yated Ne'eman Staff

The U.S. government is demanding that Israel coordinate its disengagement plan from the territories with the Palestinian Authority according to a report in Ha'aretz. The American government is seeking to avoid any chaos that might emerge in the areas Israel quits, and to strengthen the connection between the evacuation of settlements and the road map.

The report claims that word from the White House and U.S. State Department reaching Jerusalem in recent days is emphasizing this point.

The U.S. is not demanding that Israel negotiate with the Palestinian government over the "security line" to which the army would withdraw in Gaza and Judea, Samaria, and Israel could make these decisions unilaterally. But Washington expects the implementation to be coordinated in advance with the PA so the latter will be able to prepare to accept responsibility for the territory that is evacuated.

The U.S. administration is thus trying to prevent Hamas from taking over Gaza after Israel withdraws.

According to Ha'aretz, the U.S. also wants to present the disengagement as part of an overall process or arrangements, that is as part of the Road Map, and not as a unilateral move of force by Israel like the separation fence. This would presumably soften international opposition to Prime Minister Ariel Sharon's plan.

The U.S. position is therefore called "coordinated unilateralism." Dennis Ross, the former U.S. Middle East negotiator, once presented such an idea as an alternative to Israeli-Palestinian negotiations, which collapsed.

Sharon has so far promised to coordinate his moves with the U.S., which has already put up red lines to the disengagement plan: no annexation of any part of the West Bank as "compensation" to Israel for quitting Gaza; no eastern fence in Judea and Samaria; no organized transfer of evacuated Gazan settlers into Judea and Samaria settlements to strengthen settlement blocs there.

U.S. officials Steve Hadley and Elliot Abrams of the National Security Council and William Burns of the State Department were due here this week to hear firsthand from Sharon, his bureau chief, Dov Weisglass, and his national security advisor, Giora Eiland, what the prime minister actually has in mind when he speaks of disengagement. Sharon wants an invitation to Washington to present the plan to President George W. Bush.


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