Dei'ah veDibur - Information & Insight

A Window into the Chareidi World

24 Cheshvan 5764 - November 19, 2003 | Mordecai Plaut, director Published Weekly









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Eight UTJ-Backed Candidates Win in Second Round of Elections
by Y. Arielli and B. Kahn

The vote count for the 44 locations where a second round of local elections was held last week showed a decline in the Likud's power. The second round was held in localities in which no candidate for mayor won at least 40 percent of the votes in the first round.

According to Degel HaTorah Director-General MK Rabbi Moshe Gafni, "United Torah Jewry mobilized to support several candidates around the country and eight of the candidates running in the second-round elections and backed by UTJ won their respective races, unlike Likud and Shinui candidates who lost the elections in these cities."

In Ashkelon UTJ-backed Roni Mahatzry won against the Likud candidate. Shortly before the first round of elections UTJ signed a surplus votes agreement with Mahatzry's party. Such an agreement generally indicates a level of general cooperation.

In Tzfat the Likud mayor was defeated after gedolei Torah issued written directives to support Yishai Maimon, a religious man who keeps regular times for Torah study.

In Arad, based on a preliminary agreement reached, Mordechai Brill received UTJ backing and took the mayoral race. In Kiryat Gat as well UTJ reached an understanding to support Abiram Dahari, who even received blessings by gedolei Yisroel and won.

In Or Yehuda UTJ supported incumbent mayor Yitzhak Bukboza, who was selected for a second term. In Ramat HaSharon's mayoral race between Yitzhak Kaul of Shinui and Yitzhak Rochberger, an independent candidate and a traditional Jew, UTJ-backed Rochberger won a surprise victory. In Kfar Saba UTJ-backed independent candidate Yehuda Ben-Chamo defeated the Likud's Yaakov Ohayon.

In Yeruchom, UTJ and the local Torah kehilloh rallied behind Baruch Elmakias (Labor) and helped him win his battle against Mayor Motti Avisror (Likud). During the two weeks of campaigning preceding the elections Yeruchom was the scene of a bitter incitement campaign by the Likud against the chareidi sector, just like in Beit Shemesh where anti- chareidi incitement helped Dani Vaknin (Likud) win a third term. In Yeruchom, however, residents did not respond to the Likud's calls to oppose the chareidim and the Labor Party candidate won by a margin of 91 votes.

A major drama unfolded in the city on election night. Ten voting places were set up in all of the city's neighborhoods and after the votes from nine of them had been counted the results showed a crushing defeat by the Likud candidate. At the last moment the results from the polling place in the city's chareidi neighborhood arrived, bringing a big surprise: Elmakias won by a hair. A group of avreichim went to the home of HaRav M.Y. Kraus, rov of the kehilloh, to notify him of the achievement. Minutes later Elmakias, the new mayor-elect, also arrived to thank HaRav Kraus for his support. He acknowledged that chareidi voters ensured his victory and said he would continue to support and assist the chareidi community in every way possible.


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