Dei'ah veDibur - Information & Insight

A Window into the Chareidi World

24 Cheshvan 5764 - November 19, 2003 | Mordecai Plaut, director Published Weekly









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Shema Yisrael Torah Network
Shema Yisrael Torah Network











Thousands Participate in Memorial Gathering for HaRav Shach in Bnei Brak
by Yated Ne'eman Staff

Thousands of avreichim, bnei Torah and gedolei Torah participated in a memorial gathering and Shas siyum in Bnei Brak on motzei Shabbos parshas Vayeiro to mark two years since the Rosh Yeshiva's passing.

The immense crowds, including moro de'asra HaRav Yitzchok Zilberstein, packed the main beis knesses building in Ramat Elchonon in a tremendous display of kovod haTorah. Powerful speakers transmitted addresses by Maran's talmidim, now leading roshei yeshivos, to the building entranceways, tefilloh halls and adjacent courtyards. The huge gathering was the crowning event of the memorial gatherings, Torah and mussar shiurim and his'orerus and chizuk assemblies held last week at Torah halls and in kehillos across the country.

Led by HaRav Moshe Shachigal, chapters of Tehillim were recited for general and individual salvation.

The first of the eulogizers was HaRav Dov Tzvi Karlenenstein, Rosh Yeshivas Grodno, who said at this memorial event, also intended to mark the learning for his illui neshomoh, "it would be fitting to stress the tremendous gratitude we have toward Rabbenu Hagodol, who was a unique and faithful shepherd the likes of which Beis Yisroel has not seen for generations, sending forth tends of thousands of talmidim and talmidei talmidim who drew from the living wellspring for nearly 90 years. Just as he was dedicated to the klal he was also dedicated to each and every individual. Thousands of people owed him their lives. He was father and rov in every area, giving guidance on the proper way to study, what to do and how to think on various matters. If in his humility he requested `a single mishnah' we have a great obligation to add more. Even if we do not have the merit to live the merit of giving more for his neshomoh as per his request would stand in our merit and provide a source of life."

To conclude his hesped HaRav Karlenenstein conducted the second annual Shas siyum, reciting the special Kaddish. HaRav Yissochor Meir, rosh yeshivas HaNegev, said in raising Maran's holy memory onto our hearts we must remember to be genuine and avoid superficial behavior.

HaRav Dovid Cohen, rosh yeshivas Chevron, cited the Nesivos who says the loss of godol hador has two aspects: `Woe to a world that lost its leader and woe to the ship that lost its captain.' The ship, even after the captain has passed away, continues its previous journey, but as time passes it begins to pitch from side to side and to stray from the route and then we feel the magnitude of the loss of the captain.

Upon the conclusion of the enormous gathering the third annual Shas study cycle began and is scheduled to end on the 16th of Cheshvan 5765.

The collective project is based on his request, "that people do chesed with me and learn for the elevation of my soul, and if I am able to advocate for you I will do so, bli neder." These words were also carved onto his gravestone.

Hundreds of avreichim and yeshiva students registered during the course of the gathering to participate in gemora learning divided into units of 30 dapim in order to complete the entire Shas, including mishnayos and small masechtos. To sign up call 051-977328 or contact representatives at Torah centers.


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