Dei'ah veDibur - Information & Insight

A Window into the Chareidi World

17 Cheshvan 5763 - October 23, 2002 | Mordecai Plaut, director Published Weekly









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Toras Cohanim - New, Deluxe Friedman Edition
by Yated Ne'eman Staff

["Toras Cohanim", carefully edited, with edited text of the Ravad and Rash miShantz, along with source annotations, indexes, and many other valuable features.]

Our generation has been blessed in a way which no previous generation ever was, with new editions of many basic sifrei kodesh. The Talmud, Rambam, Tur and Shulchan Oruch and many other vital seforim have appeared in beautiful new editions. It is possible to fill an entire collection of seforim with recently edited and printed books.

Despite this, one of the most important works of our Sages, one which is mentioned innumerable times in halachic sources, the halachic midrash Sifro - Toras Cohanim has not until now appeared in a new precise and popular edition.

It is unnecessary to even mention the importance of this midrash, the largest and most comprehensive of all halachic midroshim, the basic source for the complex halachos of Kodshim and Taharos. This midrash has attracted the attention of great early and recent commentators, such as the Ravad, the Rash miShantz, Rabbenu Hillel, the Korban Aharon, Ezras Cohanim, the Malbim, the Chofetz Chaim, and others. Nonetheless, until now, no new clear edition of this holy sefer has been published.

This credit for now doing so has gone to the well-known publishing house Merkaz haSefer of Yerushalayim, under the management of R. Yitzchok Aryeh Weisenstern and his son R. Shmuel, who are already renowned for the many excellent versions of important seforim which they have published. They have published a new, carefully edited and beautifully printed version of the Sifro - Toras Cohanim, and one which is accessible to the entire learning public, an endeavor made possible by the generosity of the famous supporter of Torah, R. Chaim Zvi Friedman of Montreal and his family, already known for their support of many other Torah publishing projects.

During the past 20 years, a staff of expert talmidei chachomim have gone over the sefer in detail until it was possible to present to the public a finished, high quality, precise creation, complete with clear source annotations and indexes.

Besides the body of the sefer, which was thoroughly edited, the following commentaries are included: the Ravad (by the author of the Hasogos on the Rambam); the commentary attributed to the Rash miShantz; an early commentary from one of the Ba'alei Tosafos, published now for the first time based on a manuscript; the commentary and notes of the Rid (R. Yaakov David, head of the beis din in Vishogrod); and the commentary "Vayikra Avraham" (by R. Avraham Falagi).

The sefer includes detailed indexes based on: Tanach, Talmud, other sources from Chazal and Rishonim, as well as an in-depth introduction, describing the tremendous effort which went into this edition.

There are many commentaries on the Braisa of R. Yishmoel also, written by some of the great Rishonim and Acharonim. In this edition, an anthology of comments from Rishonim is included.

Gedolim of our generation have given their enthusiastic haskomos to this tremendous project, and from their letters one can perceive the joy which they express for this great work of Torah.


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