Dei'ah veDibur - Information & Insight

A Window into the Chareidi World

22 Kislev 5763 - November 27, 2002 | Mordecai Plaut, director Published Weekly









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Shema Yisrael Torah Network
Shema Yisrael Torah Network












The Other Side of the Coin
based on an article by R. Chadshai

A young husband comes home on Motzaei Shabbos and not surprisingly, sees his wife in the kitchen. "Let's go and visit my parents," he suggests.

"And who's going to clean up here?"

We Are Not Enemies

by R' Zvi Zobin

The lesson of Chanuka -- few against the many. Authority -- Torah authority, parental authority. The need to stand one's ground against social pressure and outside influences.

"Giving in to a child and giving him what he wants makes him feel MORE insecure and LESS happy."

Uncommon Common Sense
by Chana Leah Goldman

Whether straight from the hospital (where the floors are washed every day), the Beit Hachalama Convalescent home (where the floors are washed every day), or your parent's home (where the floors don't need to be washed every day), coming home from the hospital, newborn in your arms, might be somewhat of a disappointment, or even arouse feelings of aggravation.

Clutter, Clutter Everywhere
by LMW

Some people actually do begin this [unmentionable] activity at Chanuka...

A Happy Chanuka
by Sudy Rosengarten

My daughter-in-law Shaindel keeps calling for us to come to them for Shabbos Chanuka. "It's a made-to-order opportunity," she tells me, sensing my reluctance to burden her with so much company. Her next-door neighbor will be going away for the weekend and we can have her apartment for sleeping.

Strange Are the Ways
story by Shira Shatzberg (15 years old)

Fiction, but it does reflect the world out-there, and you are urged to extract the several messages provided by this engaging . . ..


A Sonnet
Tzipora Zien's answer to Hellenism and the Greek worship of the arts

Hallel... an individual Song of Praise

Oh, what of poets' conscience must be said
If all their hours are spent in turning words,
And so much time is lost in learning's stead,
By tickling petty brains with deeds absurd?

To waste the printed page to praise itself?
To curry public favor for the pen?
The poet's inner crave will line the shelf!
His ego bids him write; importance feign!

Oh, let us regulate the rhythmic flow
To harness all its strength for One, Whose due
Deserves to be declared both here and now,
And ever after! Come! His Praise renew!

Dear fellow poets, language Hashem imparts
To praise His name and sanctify the arts!


and another on the same theme


by Ziporah Zien

How gratefully I've seen Your hand
Which deigned to fill an empty page,
To give me strength to rise and stand
Unbudging in this day and age.

I thank You for that spark divine,
Which guides me daily on my quest,
Its homing instinct draws the line
Which urges me to do my best.

And as I tread, each step I take
Will lead me closer to the goal;
Which proves Your love for this, my soul.

My flesh and blood
My life, my breath
Are Yours, both 'fore and after death.

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