Dei'ah veDibur - Information & Insight

A Window into the Chareidi World

10 Cheshvan 5763 - October 16, 2002 | Mordecai Plaut, director Published Weekly









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Hachnosas Sefer Torah in Manchester
by S. Harris

Rosh Chodesh Marcheshvon saw the kehilloh of Adass Yeshurun (Manchester) celebrate a special hachnosas sefer Torah. The idea for this sefer Torah first came up about nine months ago at the shul's annual siyum mishnayos and it is a credit to those involved in its organization that their plans should have merited completion such a short time.

The sefer Torah was written to perpetuate the memory of two outstanding ladies, Miss Hilda Dahl and Miss Ruth Seckbach. They were individuals who were admired and respected by all those who had a connection with them and indeed a number of people traveled specially to attend. Both taught limudei kodesh for very many years and were zoche to arichas yomim. Miss Dahl was in fact niftar on her 100th birthday and was actually a cheder teacher of Rabbi J. Dunner in his early childhood.

Although neither had any family of their own, the guest speaker, Rabbi A Katz of Gateshead, quoted Rashi at the start of parshas Noach that the main progeny of tzaddikim are their maasim tovim. The gemora also tells us that one who teaches his friend's son Torah is as though he bore him.

The procession left from the house of the shul's rov, HaRav Y Wreschner, and proceeded up Legh Street, through Broom Lane and along Cheltenham Crescent into the shul. The sefer Torah was carried initially by HaRav Schneebalg and then in turn by many of Manchester's rabbonim and members of the shul. The formal proceedings inside the shul were led by the previous rov, Dayan G Krausz who recited Ato Hor'aiso. Following a joyous hakofoh it was then carried to the Aron Hakodesh by Rabbi Wreschner and placed in its new home by the long-serving gabbai, Mr. Michael Goldman.

A celebratory seudas mitzvoh was held in the Machzikei Hadass hall. The chairman, Mr. Ellis Santhouse, detailed some of the praises of Miss Dahl and Miss Seckbach and thanked everyone for their efforts.

Rav Wreschner echoed these sentiments and went on to quote from letters of Rav Chaim Ozer Grodzensky about the sefer Torah that was written to commemorate the Chofetz Chaim. He also spoke about kedushas Bais Haknesses and the rare atmosphere which people had reported to him that they had felt when davening in Adass Yeshurun.

Rav M M Schneebalg talked about simchas haTorah and the way in which this differentiates between Klal Yisroel and the other nations. He elaborated on a Baal HaTurim in Vayelech to stress that one should be discernible as a 'Beis Hamedrash Yid' by the way one behaves and speaks even when not learning. One's speech should be Torahdike speech the entire day.

Finally Rabbi Katz spoke in his usual inimitable humorous style. He outlined the uniqueness of certain mitzvos and certain types of simcha as being specifically Jewish, comparing the mitzvoh of kesivas sefer Torah with that of bris milah. He discussed how Klal Yisroel as a whole is bound up with the Torah and Hakodosh Boruch Hu, but that each of us as individuals had to make a conscious decision to be included. In this vein he urged everyone present to be mekabel on themselves some extra hiddur and dikduk bemitzvos. Along with most of the speakers he concluded by expressing his wish that when he next should return he hoped to see the shul "modernized and expanded." These were sentiments to which Rabbi Simcha Bamberger who says a daf yomi shiur in the shul immediately nodded vigorously in agreement.

After bentching a rekida was led by some of the shul's yeshiva bochurim.


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